#2351 - Looking Riddle

Rohit is looking at Naina, but Naina is looking at Amish. Rohit is married, but Amish is not.

Is a married person looking at an unmarried person or not?

Yes, a married person is looking at Amish, who is unmarried. If Naina is unmarried, Rohit is looking at her who is married.

#2352 - Trivia Geography Puzzle

There is a place where if i stand up straight, i still be can considered sideways ?

The equator.

I stand up straight with respect to the ground, but is sideways with respect to the Earth axis.

#2353 - Easy Maths Problem

A chocolate costs 6 rupees and a soda costs 5 rupees. If you have 32 rupees in total, how many chocolates and how many sodas can be purchased with that amount.

As per the given data,
6 * number of chocolates + 5 * number of sodas = 32

Now, we know that chocolates and sodas are definitely whole numbers; their respective values will be 2 and 4.

#2354 - Biased Coin Puzzle

A 52% bias toss for head using the 51% tail bias coin was done to obtain a fair result.

Can you find how bias is the floor in this case?

First let us assume that all other condition are fair here.
Now the toss will generate a 52:48 distribution in the favour of heads. Therefore, the toss bias factor for heads is 52/48.

In the same manner, the coin will be generating 49:51 distribution in favour of tails which makes the coin bias factor for heads in this case to be 49/51.

So, we have a combined bias factor of (52 * 49) / (51 * 48) = 2548 / 2448 which will be cancelled by a 2448 / 2548 floor factor.
The floor will be generating a distribution of 2448 / (2548 + 2448) : 2548 / (2548 + 2448) in the favour of tails which amounts to 51.00080064% tails approximately.

#2355 - Odd Number Puzzle

Can you find the odd number in the following?

2716, 4135, 5321 and 7145

2716 is the odd one out.

This is because the rest of the numbers add up to be a prime number.
4 + 1 + 3 + 5 = 13
5 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 11
7 + 1 + 4 + 5 = 17

However, in the case of 2716,
2 + 7 + 1 + 6 = 16 which is not a prime number.

#2356 - Trick Situation Riddle

In a fruit store there was a unique weighing machine which was made to weigh only cherries and strawberries as they were priced the same.

Other fruits like water melons or mango had different machines as they were expensive.

A man successfully buys water melons at the price of cherries. How ?

The logic used by the machines, It differentiated the fruits with the help of colour. So the weighing scale that would weigh only cherries and strawberries only weighed what was red. So the man peeled it and then weighed the fruit. Since it is red inside the machine weighs it and marks it at the price of cherries.

#2357 - Tough Who Am I

I am not a bull but i have horns.
I am not an ass but i have pack saddle.
Wherever i go, i leave silver behind me.

Who am I ?

I am a snail.

#2358 - Swan And Lion Riddle

A swan sits at the centre point of an impeccably round pound. At an edge of the pond stands a monstrous lion holding up to eat up the swan. The lion is afraid of water and, therefore, plan to catch the swan as soon as it reaches the short of the pound. Speed of swan is one-fourth of the speed of lion, moreover the lion always runs in the direction round the shore which brings it closer to the swan the fastest.

Both the swan and the lion can change directions in any given time.

The swan realizes that only chance to escape is to reach the shore without getting caught by the lion and then get into the safe forest lake which is just next to the pound.

By what method can the swan successfully escape?

Let us assume,
radius of pound is R.
speed of beast is S.
speed of lion is S/4.
Circumference = 2 * Pi * R.

Now, if lion swims R/4 distance from center of the pound and then begins to swim across the pond in center implies both lion and beast can take the round trip in same time.
Explanation :
time by beast : 2 * Pi* R * S
time by lion : 2 * Pi* R/4 * S/4 => 2 * Pi* R * S

Now, the lion can move slowly inward toward the center of pound, and begin swimming around the center in a circle from this distance. It is now going around a very slightly smaller circle than it was a moment ago, and thus will be able to swim around this circle FASTER than the beast can run around the shore.

The lion can keep swimming around this way, pulling further away each second, until finally it is on the opposite side of its inner circle from where the beast is on the shore. At this point, the lion aims directly toward the closest shore and begins swimming that way. At this point, the lion has to swim [0.75R feet + 1 millimeter] to get to shore. Meanwhile, the beast will have to run R*pi feet (half the circumference of the pound) to get to where the lion is headed.
The beast runs four times as fast as the lion, but you can see that it has more than four times as far to run:

[0.75R feet + 1 millimeter] * 4 < R*pi

[This math could actually be incorrect if R were very small, but, in that case, we could just say the lion swam inward even less than a millimeter and make the math work out correctly.]

Because the lion has less than a fourth of the distance to travel as the beast, it will reach the shore before the beast reaches where it is and successfully escape.

#2359 - Classic who Am I

I have teeth but i dont bite. Who Am I ?

A Comb

#2360 - OneLiner Humor Riddle

When its bad luck to meet a white cat?

If u are a mouse.