#21 - Correct Matchsticks Equation
Remove two matchsticks to make below statement true.
How many squares do you see in matchstick puzzle belwo ?
1/2 X 1/2 matchsticks squares: 4
1X1 matchsticks squares : 17
2X2 matchsticks squares : 9
3X3 matchsticks squares : 4
4X4 matchsticks squares : 1
You can move only two matchsticks in the given picture. What is the highest number you can form by doing it?
In the formation, you can see a few arranged matchsticks. Can you form three squares by moving just three matchsticks ?
Can you move two matchsticks in the given picture in a manner that the resulting arrangement comes up with two rectangles?
In the given figure, move three matchsticks so that the resulting figure contains two rectangles.
In the given picture, you can see that there are two matchsticks that have been used to create five squares. You are allowed to move just two matchsticks and must form seven squares. FYI, you cant overlap the matches and you are not allowed to break them. Also, like you can see in the picture, all squares must be closed.