#281 - Find the angle of a triangle

In the image below, can you find the the value of an angle(y)

Find the angle of a triangle


#282 - Maths Number Riddle

Can you think of a smallest +ve number such that if we shuffle the digits of the number, the new number becomes double the original number.

Maths Number Riddle

125874 shuffled to 251748

#283 - Maths Logic Riddle

It can be easily calculated that the digits 0 to 9 can be arranged into 3628800 distinct ten-digit numbers.

But I also know how many of these numbers are prime.

Do you?

Maths Logic Riddle


The sum of numbers from zero to nine is 45 and can be divisible by 3 and 9.

#284 - Short Maths Riddle

If 5 Rats eat 5 cheese in 5 seconds.

How many seconds would it take 4 Rats to eat 4 cheese ?

Short Maths Riddle

5 seconds

#285 - Short Math Riddle

Can you convert number zero(0) into a positive number using just one mathematical operator ?

Short Math Riddle


#286 - Simple Maths Picture Problem

Replace the question mark with the number of this simple math problem?

Simple Maths Picture Problem


#287 - Logical Number Problem

According to number theory of mathematics , a perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its positive divisors excluding the number itself.
For example :
6 => 1+2+3
28 =>1+2+4+7+14

I know one more number that is a perfect number and contains not more than 2 digits (i.e 496 won't be consider as it contains 3 digits).

Find the number ?

Logical Number Problem

12=> 1+2+3+6

cannot be 1 (as number cannot be included)

#288 - kpit cummins Aptitude Interview Logic Qu

Product of three consecutive numbers are 7980.
Then the sum of these consecutive numbers would be ?

kpit cummins Aptitude Interview Logic Qu


#289 - Replace The Question Mark In The Picture

Replace The Question Mark in the picture with the correct number.

Replace The Question Mark In The Picture


#290 - Sachin Red Ferrari Number Riddle

Sachin Tendulkar bough a red ferrari with a strange 5 digit numbered plate.The water image of the number is 78633 more than my car number.All the digits of sachin's car number are distinct.

What is the original number on sachin's number plate?

Sachin Red Ferrari Number Riddle

Water image is 89601