#261 - Tricky Maths Question

What do you get if you add 2 to 200 four times?

Tricky Maths Question

202 , 202 , 202 , 202

#262 - Money puzzle

I saw a Jeans for Rs97. I dont have enough money , so i borrowed Rs50 from my mom and 50 from my dad = Rs100.
I bought the jeans, and had Rs3 change. I gave dad Rs1 and my mom Rs1 and kept the other Rs1 for myself. Now I owe my mum Rs49 and my dad Rs49. 49+49 = 98 + my Rs1 = 99. Where is the missing Rs1?

Money puzzle

It was only a trick:
I borrowed my parents (Rs50 + Rs50 = Rs100).
I bought the jeans for Rs97 and i had Rs3 change.
So, the money that i borrowed and bought the jeans are Rs100 (borrowing money)
and the change Rs3 also the borrowing money the jeans is Rs97
Total: Rs97 + Rs3(the change) = Rs100
The money that i used to buy the jeans all i borrowed.
Rs97 is the borrowing money, change: Rs3 also the borrowing money. Rs97 + Rs3 = Rs100

#263 - Math Logic Puzzle

In a guess game , five friends had to guess the exact numbers of apples in a covered basket.
Friends guessed as 22 , 24, 29 , 33 , 38, but none of guess was right.The guesses were off by 1, 8, 6, 3, and 8 (in a random order).

From this information, can you determine the number of apples in a basket ?

Math Logic Puzzle

30 apples

22(by 8) , 24(by 6) , 29(by 1) , 33(by 3) , 38(by 8)

#264 - Logical Thinking Puzzle

How many cubic feet of dirt are in a hole of one foot deep, three feet long, and two feet wide?

Logical Thinking Puzzle

NONE, holes are empty

#265 - Complicated Riddle

If two's company, and three's a crowd, then whats four and five ?

Complicated Riddle


#266 - Mathematical Logic Puzzle

using four eights (8) and a one (1) and one mathematical symbol , create the number 100

Mathematical Logic Puzzle

188 - 88

#267 - Trick Teaser Problem

Twins(Adarsh and Anupam) were born in May but their birthday is in June.hows this possible ?

Trick Teaser Problem

May is a town

#268 - Murder Mystery Problem

One evening there was a murder in the home of married couple, their son and daughter. One of these four people murdered one of the others. One of the members of the family witnessed the crime.

The other one helped the murderer.

These are the things we know for sure:

1. The witness and the one who helped the murderer were not of the same sex.

2. The oldest person and the witness were not of the same sex.

3. The youngest person and the victim were not of the same sex.

4. The one who helped the murderer was older than the victim.

5. The father was the oldest member of the family.

6. The murderer was not the youngest member of the family.

Who was the murderer?

Murder Mystery Problem


We know from (3) that the youngest person was not the victim, from (4) that the youngest person was not the helper and from (6) that the youngest person was not the killer. The youngest person can only have been the witness therefore. If we make up a chart there are now three possible combinations:

Oldest person (father) H H M

Next to oldest (mother) V M H

Next to youngest (son) M V V

Youngest (daughter) W W W

(H = Helper ; V = Victim ; M = Murderer ; W = Witness)

We can work out from (5) that the father was the oldest, from (2) that the youngest person must have been the daughter. Therefore the next to the youngest must have been the son and the next to the oldest, the mother.

Of three possibilities: the first is impossible (from (3) – the youngest person and the victim were of different sexes); the third is also impossible (from (1) – the witness and the helper were of different sexes). Therefore only the second possibility holds – and the mother was the murderess.

#269 - Number Fact Puzzle

The square of the number 111,111,111 is amazing.Whats that ?

Number Fact Puzzle

12,345,678,987,654,321 Amazing :-)

#270 - QuickFire Riddle

What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?

QuickFire Riddle
