#171 - Cricket Brain Teaser
In this cricket match, all batsmen got bowled on the very first ball they faced. Assuming there are no extras in the inning.
Which batsman number will not be out at the end of the inning?

1st over:
1st Ball, Batsman-1 got out
2nd Ball, Batsman-3 got out
3rd Ball, Batsman-4 got out
4th Ball, Batsman-5 got out
5th Ball, Batsman-6 got out
6th Ball, Batsman-7 got out
Before the start of a new over, the batsmen will swap strikes.
i.e Batsman-2 at nonstriker will become striker and batsman-8 will go at the nonstriker end.
2nd over:
1st Ball, Batsman-2 got out
2nd Ball, Batsman-9 got out
3rd Ball, Batsman-10 got out
4th Ball : Batsman-11 got out