#251 - Relationship Riddle
That attorney is my brother, testified the accountant.
But the attorney testified he didn't have a brother.
Who is lying?

Neither, the accountant was his sister.
That attorney is my brother, testified the accountant.
But the attorney testified he didn't have a brother.
Who is lying?
Neither, the accountant was his sister.
A man drove to a hotel and as soon as he got there he was bankrupt. Explain.
The man was playing Monopoly and when he rolled the dice he landed on a property he could not afford to pay the rent on.
A bank customer had £100 in his account. He then made 6 withdrawals, totaling £. He kept a record of these withdrawals, and the balance remaining in the account, as follows:
Withdrawals Balance left
£50 £50
£25 £25
£10 £15
£8 £7
£5 £2
£2 £0
£100 £99
Why are the Totals not exactly right ?
There is no reason whatever why the customer's original deposit of £100 should equal the total of the balances left after each withdrawal.
The total of withdrawals in the left-hand colum may equal £100, but is is purely coincidence that the total of the right-hand column is close to £100.
Let us show another example, but starting with £200 in the bank:
Withdrawals Balance left
£50 £150
£25 £125
£10 £115
£8 £107
£5 £102
£2 £100
£100 £699
Moral of this story? Don't Total Balances.
I am the owner of a birds store. If I put in one bird per cage, I have one bird too many. If I put in two bird per cage, I have one cage too many. How many cages and birds do I have?
I have 3 cages and 4 birds
When does an British Potato changes its nationality?
When it become french fires
The Little ant always confused.Do you know why ?
because all his uncles are aunts
Tarun Asthaniya is found dead in his office at his desk. The police have narrowed the suspects down to three people: Mrs. Harish Kumar, Taruns wife Himanshi Asthaniya and his buisness partner Mr. Jason Negi . All three visited Tarun on the day of his murder, but all three provide the police with stories of explanation as to the reason for their visit.
Police found Mr. tarun with his wrist watch still on his right arm, a torn up picture of his wife laying on the floor beside the trash can, and an ink pen in his right hand. On the desk, the police found a name plate, a telephone that was off the hook, and a personal calendar turned to the July 5th page with 7B91011 written on it. After examining this evidence, the police knew their suspect. Who was it ?
Jason Negi
the number on the calendar was written in a hurry , police matched the written number with the months of the year. So the B was an 8, thereby giving us 7-8-9-10-11: July, August, September, October, November. Use the first letter of each month and it spells J-A-S-O-N.