#771 - Guess Movie Rebus
Guess the hidden movie name?

Forest Gump
On charity event at Dubai, Murray beat Djokovic by winning six games and losing three games.
Note: There is total of 5 service breaks(one who serve lost the game).
Who served first, Djokovic or Murray?
Murray serves first
The one who serves first can serve 5 and other will serve four.
Case-1 :
If Murray serve 4 and Djokovic serve 5
Then five service breaks and Murray winning 6:3 not possible.
Case-2 :
Murray serve 5 and Djokovic serve 4
There are five service breaks and score is Murray 6 - Djokovic 3
On Murray serve, Murray wins 3 and lost 2
On Djokovic serve, Murray wins 3 and lost 1
You need to arrange three 7 and mathematical symbols to form number 1?
There can be many solutions. Three such solutions are:
A) ((7 - 7)^7)!
B) sqrt(7) * sqrt(7)/7
C) (7*(7 - 7))!
Can you decipher the beer cap rebus?
Lucky days are here again.
Lucky + Day + s + R + H + Ear + Again (Flower represent lucky symbol)
The cream is heavier than Milk. True or False?
False, The cream comes to the surface and hence milk is heavier than cream.
Can you repace the question mark with the correct letter?
6 + 6 + 6 = N
7 + 7 + 7 = E
8 + 8 + 8 = R
0 + 0 + 0 = ?
6 + 6 + 6 = N (last letter of sum i.e. eighteen)
7 + 7 + 7 = E (last letter of sum i.e twentyone)
8 + 8 + 8 = R(last letter of sum i.e twentyfour)
0 + 0 + 0 = O (last letter of sum i.e. zero)
It is deaf.
It is Dumb.
is Blind.
Still, it always tells the truth. What is it?
A Mirror
A maths symbol is hidden in the below rebus. Can you decipher it?
This is the bar graph that represents the number (3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5) .
and we know the value of pie is 3.14159265
John said, "If yesterday was tomorrow, today would be Friday."
When did John make this statement?
There is two way to interpret this.
A) If z + 1 ==> z - 1
z ==> z - 2
z - 2 = Friday
z = Sunday
B)If z - 1 ==> z + 1
z ==> z + 2
z + 2 = Friday
z = Wednesday
Option B) makes sense and hence the answer.
Can you find the missing year in the number sequence below?
1997 1999 2003 2011 ? 2027
2017 (It is a series of prime numbers)