#221 - Tricky Find The 8 Differences

Find 8 differences between the two pictures?

Tricky Find The 8 Differences

The number of differences is the same as the number of legs of the spider.

#222 - When is L greater than XL Brain Teaser

When is L greater than XL?

When is L greater than XL Brain Teaser

When you are using roman numerals.

#223 - Kitchen Table Brain Teaser

What's wrong with the kitchen table?

Kitchen Table Brain Teaser

Min and Max are on opposite sides.

#224 - Whats wrong with this BusStop Picture Brain Teaser

Find two mistakes?

Whats wrong with this BusStop Picture Brain Teaser

The bus doesn't have side mirrors and windshield wipers.

#225 - The Sunset Brain Teaser

What is wrong with the pic?

The Sunset Brain Teaser

According to the clock, sunset is impossible at this hour.

#226 - Road Traffic Mistake Picture

Find the mistake in the picture?

Road Traffic Mistake Picture

No road to the right.

#227 - Larger Image Brain Teaser

Which image is larger?

Larger Image Brain Teaser

Bottom one

#228 - Simplest Rebus Riddle

What does below rebus means?

Simplest Rebus Riddle


#229 - Short Scary Brain Teaser

After watching an exciting late-night movie, Alex decided to go home, but something unexpected happened. While walking along a dimly lit street, he saw three mysterious women standing under a flickering streetlamp. To his surprise, two of them were ghosts! The three women spoke together, "Choose one of us to go home with you, Alex, but be careful. If you pick the wrong girl, we will become angry."

Alex carefully looked at the three women. They all seemed normal, but he knew that only one was a real person, and the others were vengeful spirits.

Can you study the picture and help Alex figure out which of the three girls is not a ghost?

Short Scary Brain Teaser

Alex noticed that the girl on the left had sweat on her face. Ghosts don't sweat, so he chose her. His careful observation paid off, and he safely went home with the non-ghost girl by his side.

#230 - Which cow is different Brain Teaser

Which cow is the odd one out?

Which cow is different Brain Teaser

The cow that stands out is marked. Check the black spots.