#21 - 3 Cup Classic Lateral Thinking Puzzle
Below picture shows three empty cups. You need to put in your lateral thinking cap and place ten sugar cubes in three cups such that every cup contains an odd number of sugar cubes.
Can you do it?

Below picture shows three empty cups. You need to put in your lateral thinking cap and place ten sugar cubes in three cups such that every cup contains an odd number of sugar cubes.
Can you do it?
By adding three letters, can you move image from
can be changed to
By adding 3 letters "Ans".
Can you add 2 squares in the picture below such that each dog is in isolation?
A hospital is infected with 16 patients. The patient number 13 is recovered from coronavirus and want to say goodbye to all the remaining patient by visiting every patient exactly once.
However, If the recovered patient enters any room twice, he will get infected again.
What path he must take to escape from room-13 to room-4?
Can you identify the next number in this viral matchsticks Puzzle?
If I open a tap, which tank completely fill first?
Tank F.
For an explanation, please visit the video.
Can you determine the number of laptops that can be charged from the below setup?
- The Wire of the extension cord-1 is broken.
- The extension cord-6 does not have a wire.
- One of the sockets of cord-2 is broken
- The cord-4 with just one socket is of no use.
- Cord-1 will connect to the main switch and one of the sockets will connect to Cord-2.
So two sockets can be used from cord-1.
- One of the sockets of cord-2 will connect to the cord-5 and one of them is useless.
So two sockets can be used from cord-2.
- Cord-5 can use all the sockets, i.e. 4
Total In Use = 2 + 2 + 4 = 8.
Please watch the video for a better understanding
Time for your eye test.
How many 3's can you see in the mobile screenshot below.
In comments, also mention the time taken by you to count the 3's.
Can you spot the odd one out chicken in the picture below?
Let's start with distinct features
Chicken-2 has an extra toe.
Chicken-3 has fewer tail feathers.
Chicken-5 has only one thigh crease.
Chicken-6 has an extra feather around the neck.
Chicken-7 is looking up.
Chicken-8 has a longer butt crease.
But this riddle is not about the features. The different chicken is 8 as cannot be seen by any chicken.