#371 - Replace Question Mark Riddle
Can you find out the number that should replace the question mark with a valid reason?

The number that will replace the question mark is 0. This is because, in this number pie, the diagonals add up to 25.
Can you find out the number that should replace the question mark with a valid reason?
The number that will replace the question mark is 0. This is because, in this number pie, the diagonals add up to 25.
You need to move four matchsticks to make matchsticks equation true.
Can you find company name from the pictogram below?
Microsoft (Mic + Crow + Softy)
what one word does below rebus identifies ?
Reasoning (Reason in G)
Can you replace the "?" in the picture table below with the appropriate numbers.
73 , 48
The number on the left is abtained by summing the two `number above it and subtract the sum by 5.
8 + 11 - 5 = 14
14 + 10 - 5 = 19
19 + 16 - 5 = 30
30 + 21 - 5 = 46
46 + 32 - 5 = 73
Right column = left number above it + 2 => 46 + 2 => 48
Can you count the number of blocks in the picture below ?
Each arm has 15 blocks and there are four arms ,
The center has 6 blocks.
Total : 15*4 + 6 = 66