#411 - Seperate Nuts From Squirrels Brain Teaser
Can you draw one Square and one Rectangle to separate nuts from squirrels?

Can you draw one Square and one Rectangle to separate nuts from squirrels?
Out of the five-person shown in the picture, which is most likely to be a lefty?
The Waiter
Holding a tray is a static job while serving dishes and drinks is their main work and hence the waiter is most likely the left-handed person.
There are two single women shown below. One of them lived a whole life in poverty and had just robbed a bank.
Can you guess which one?
The lady in the red as she spends unnecessary money on food which is far more than a one-person need.
Can you find the three hidden words in the picture below?
Can you count the number of girls in the below picture riddle?
Look at the below picture very carefully. What is so unusual about the picture?