#131 - Laptop Cord Riddle
Can you determine the number of laptops that can be charged from the below setup?

- The Wire of the extension cord-1 is broken.
- The extension cord-6 does not have a wire.
- One of the sockets of cord-2 is broken
- The cord-4 with just one socket is of no use.
- Cord-1 will connect to the main switch and one of the sockets will connect to Cord-2.
So two sockets can be used from cord-1.
- One of the sockets of cord-2 will connect to the cord-5 and one of them is useless.
So two sockets can be used from cord-2.
- Cord-5 can use all the sockets, i.e. 4
Total In Use = 2 + 2 + 4 = 8.
Please watch the video for a better understanding