#171 - Tricky Visual Brain Teaser

Are the two cylinders shown in the image below is of same height?

Tricky Visual Brain Teaser


#172 - IQ Picture Riddle

By adding three letters, can you move image from

IQ Picture Riddle

can be changed to
By adding 3 letters "Ans".

#173 - Holes In The Shirt Riddle

Can you solve this riddle by counting the number of holes in the t-shirt below?

Holes In The Shirt Riddle


The answer is not 3 or 6 which I guess most people must be guessing. The correct number of holes are 10 as explained below:
: 1 hole for the neck.
: 2 holes for the arms.
: 1 hole for the torso.
: 3 torn holes in the front.
: 3 torn holes in the back.

#174 - Hidden Superhero Movie Rebus

Which superhero movie name is hidden in the below rebus?

Hidden Superhero Movie Rebus


A + ven(Van) + G(google) + ers(ears)

#175 - Storm Simple Rebus

what does below rebus means?

Storm Simple Rebus

thunderstorm (TH + under + storm)

#176 - Count Number Of Hands Riddle

Can you count the number of hands in the picture riddle below?

Count Number Of Hands Riddle


#177 - Famous Whatsapp Puzzle

We can see the silhouette of a woman and a horse in the picture below.
So are they coming or going?

Famous Whatsapp Puzzle

Coming(Most Likely)

> As a common practice, you walk a horse from the left-hand side.
> Leg angles also suggest that they might be coming.
> Shadow direction also suggest that might be coming

#178 - Easy Matchsticks Equation Puzzle

Can you add one matchstick to make below equation true?

Easy Matchsticks Equation Puzzle

As shown in the picture below, add matchstick to make 1st + symbol as 4.

#179 - What Does Rebus means

Can you decode the hidden meaning in the rebus below?

What Does Rebus means

Two Good For Me

Two Good ( 2 times good)
For Me (for => Four, four times me)

#180 - Weird Picture Brain Teaser

What is so odd about the below picture?

Weird Picture Brain Teaser

When you look carefully, all men in the background got the same face cut.