#11 - Who is the murderer riddle Answer

Look at the picture carefully. Can you identify the murderer?

Who is the murderer riddle Answer

The boy on the right is the one. The piece of his shirt is with the deceased girl, as marked.

#12 - Kitchen Rebus In Word

What does the below rebus mean?

Kitchen Rebus In Word


Mic + row(rowing) + wave

#13 - Door Rebus And Answer

What does the below rebus mean?

Door Rebus And Answer

Open doors.

#14 - What's wrong with picture

Can you spot the mistake in the picture?

What's wrong with picture

No human footprints.

#15 - Dead person Riddle

Can you identify the dead person in the picture below?

Dead person Riddle

The dead person is marked in the picture below.

#16 - who is dead picture riddle

Who among A, B, or C is dead?

who is dead picture riddle

The individual who has departed is B.

The abundance of flies swarming around foot B strongly implies the passing of this person.

#17 - Who is the thief Puzzle

During a day trip to a beach, four friends - Bruno, Michele, Anthony, and Stew - had an unexpected incident when one of them managed to steal a watch from a guest.

Can you identify the thief?

Who is the thief Puzzle

The thief turned out to be Anthony, who hid the watch inside a bucket.

#18 - Cemetery Brain Teaser

In the cemetery depicted below, which among the three is not a ghost, and what is the reason?

Cemetery Brain Teaser

Since ghosts don't sweat, the girl in the center is the one who isn't a ghost.

#19 - Most Popular - Which cup will fill first brain teaser

Get ready to exercise your logic and puzzling skills with the all-time favorite 'Which Cup (Coffee or Tea) Will Fill First?' brain teaser!

Most Popular - Which cup will fill first brain teaser

Cup 2
Although the flow of coffee to all cups is obstructed, Cup 2 can be filled once the coffee overflows from the pipe, as illustrated in the image below.

#20 - Which cow is different Brain Teaser

Which cow is the odd one out?

Which cow is different Brain Teaser

The cow that stands out is marked. Check the black spots.