#361 - Fold The Cube Puzzle
Can you find out if we fold this open cube, what will be the resulting figure?

The resulting figure will be C.
Can you find out if we fold this open cube, what will be the resulting figure?
The resulting figure will be C.
The picture shows the dice results in each couple of throws. If they are actually following a pattern, can you find out the missing one?
The last missing throw will have 3 as the result. This is because, with each pair of the throws you can find that the total sum is increasing by three and then decreasing by one. Therefore the missing throw be 3.
As you can see that fifteen matches have been used to form an arrangement. What you have to do is remove any six of them to make them ten.Can you do that?
If we tell you that there is a relation between the numbers and letters in the given figure, can you analyze it and find the missing letter in the last box ?
The missing letter in the last box is Z.
Denote each alphabet to the corresponding number. For example, A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 and so on. Now you will find that the center digit is actually the product of the alphabets on both sides. In such case, the missing letter is Z.
=>G(7) * Z(26) = 182
Can you find the missing figure from the grid? Choose from the options given.
The figure D will fit in the missing position. This is because with every figure, the number of black dots are increasing. Thus the D figure is the only one that I suitable.
Assume the given figure to be a delicious doughnut. Yes, now you can concentrate more on the puzzle. So you have this delicious doughnut in your refrigerator when your friends come knocking at the door. There are eight of them. Now you have to make three cuts in this doughnut so that each one of you nine people can enjoy a piece of it. Neither you nor your friends would mind the size of their piece as long as they are getting it.How will you do it?
This is one of the solution how you can do it. There is another way to do it. Run the horses of your mind and find out yourself.
Below puzzle is a popular example for rebus puzzles.
Can you tell us what i am thinking by solving the below rebus ?
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