#421 - Maths Rebus Riddle

What does this mathematical rebus means ?

Maths Rebus Riddle


#422 - Count Triangles In Diagram Problem

How many triangles are there in the diagram below ?

Count Triangles In Diagram Problem


#423 - Cool Rebus Riddle

what does the below rebus means ?

Cool Rebus Riddle

Falling In Love

#424 - Word Rebus Picture Puzzle

What does this rebus puzzle means ?

Word Rebus Picture Puzzle


#425 - Hard Count Number Triangles Puzzle

Can you count the number of triangles on the puzzle below.

Hard Count Number Triangles Puzzle


#426 - Simple Rebus

Find the meaning of the rebus below ?

Simple Rebus

Swim Underwater

#427 - Easy Counting Triangle Riddle

Can you count the number of triangle in the picture below ?

Easy Counting Triangle Riddle


#428 - Triangle Counting Puzzle

solve the counting puzzle by finding the number of triangles in the figure below

Triangle Counting Puzzle


16 + (8x2) + (4x2) + (1x2) + (1x2)

#429 - Triangle counting Riddle

Solve the counting riddle by identify the number of triangles in the given picture.

Triangle counting Riddle

20 Triangles

Let us assume that the smallest side of the triangle is 1cms.
Number of triangles with a side of 1 cms = 12
Number of triangles with a side of 2 cms = 6
Number of triangles with a side of 3 cms = 2

Total = 20

#430 - what does this rebus mean

Identify the meaning hidden in the rebus below ?

what does this rebus mean

No one understands