#1 - Funny Rebus Puzzle

What Word is represented by this rebus.?

Funny Rebus Puzzle


#2 - Picture Puzzle

What is the word or phrase?

Picture Puzzle


#3 - Hard Word Plexer

Which word does the below Plexer means ?

Hard Word Plexer


#4 - Holiday Rebus Puzzle

Which holiday are we talking about ?

Holiday Rebus Puzzle

He(he-man) + low(down array) + E +N(no)

#5 - Movie Rebus Puzzle

There is a movie name hidden in the picture that is attached with this question. Can you find out which movie is it?

Movie Rebus Puzzle

Need for Speed
If you have studied mathematics, you must be knowing that ds/dt refers to speed. Thus the movie title is : Need for Speed.

#6 - Interesting Rebus

Interesting Rebus

Over My Dead Body

#7 - The Month Rebus

Can you guess the name of month by looking the below rebus ?

The Month Rebus

JulyCut the Image horizontal and look into the bottom image you will get the below image.

#8 - Geography Rebus Riddle

Can you solve the below geography rebus by decoding the below rebus ?

Geography Rebus Riddle

Unites States.

#9 - Hard Photo Puzzle

What is the word or phrase??

Hard Photo Puzzle

Stand up and be counted

#10 - Picture Riddle

Identify the hidden meaning behind this picture ?

Picture Riddle

Growing Economy