#161 - Cricket Brain Teaser

In this cricket match, all batsmen got bowled on the very first ball they faced. Assuming there are no extras in the inning.

Which batsman number will not be out at the end of the inning?

Cricket Brain Teaser


1st over:
1st Ball, Batsman-1 got out
2nd Ball, Batsman-3 got out
3rd Ball, Batsman-4 got out
4th Ball, Batsman-5 got out
5th Ball, Batsman-6 got out
6th Ball, Batsman-7 got out

Before the start of a new over, the batsmen will swap strikes.
i.e Batsman-2 at nonstriker will become striker and batsman-8 will go at the nonstriker end.

2nd over:
1st Ball, Batsman-2 got out
2nd Ball, Batsman-9 got out
3rd Ball, Batsman-10 got out
4th Ball : Batsman-11 got out

#162 - Somebody's Mom Son Riddle

Somebody's mom has 4 sons North, South & East. What is the name of the fourth son.
Write the name of the 4th son in the comments section below.

Somebody's Mom Son Riddle


It is clearly mentioned that "What is the name of the fourth son". Note it's a statement with a period(.) and not with a question mark(?).

Most of the people has given the answer as "West" or "somebody".

#163 - Scooter Presence of Mind Riddle

Can you determine who should pay for the scooter by looking at the below picture carefully?

Scooter Presence of Mind Riddle

The girl

#164 - Weather Prediction Brain Teaser

If it's raining at 12 a.m.

Could you expect sunny weather in 72 hours?

Weather Prediction Brain Teaser

No, because it will be night again in 72 hours, and there can be no sun in the sky.

#165 - Mathematics Trivia Riddle

Which three numbers have the same answer whether they are added or multiplied together?

Mathematics Trivia Riddle

1 2 and 3

1 + 2 + 3 = 1 * 2 * 3 = 6

#166 - Perception Brain Teaser

The below picture is absolutely real.
The stone is real, the trees are real, the soil is real and so is the sky.


Perception Brain Teaser

Look the picture upside down.

#167 - Who is the thief Brain Teaser

Who is the thief?

Who is the thief Brain Teaser

The thief is encircled.

#168 - Cheating Boyfriend Riddle

Wayne sends the below images to her girlfriend and she immediately knew that her boyfriend was cheating. How?

Cheating Boyfriend Riddle

Check a lipstick mark on the glass of the kitchen.

#169 - Swimming Pool Dead Person Brain Teaser

Who is dead?

Swimming Pool Dead Person Brain Teaser


Person-3: Some will say the answer to be person-3 as his body is floating in the water. But the question is do dead bodies float in water?. The answer is yes, but it takes at least 2 to 3 days for a dead body to float. In the starting 1 to 2 days, a dead body sink under the water, thereafter it starts floating. Thus, person-3 is not dead.

Person-2: There is vibration in the water. This makes us sure that person-2 is not dead.

Person-1: If you see closely, he is having a book in his hand and it is in the water. Also, he seems to be in a subconscious state.

So, the answer to this puzzle is Person-1.

#170 - Family Pizza Brain Teaser

What is wrong with the below pizza riddle?

Family Pizza Brain Teaser

The kids have 4 slices of pizza in their hands but only three pieces are missing from the pizza box.