#81 - Tricky Logical Puzzle

I have one of the three numbers: 1, 2 or 3 in my mind. I speak only truth. You can ask me just one question for which I will only reply in yes or no or don't know. What question will you ask from me so that you are able to know the number?

Tricky Logical Puzzle

You will ask, I am thinking of a number from 2 and 3. Is the number I am thinking of smaller than or equal to the number you have in your mind?

Now, if I reply no, then the number is 1.
If I reply yes, then the number is 3.
If I reply don't know, then the number is 2.

#82 - Adobe Cool Logical Interview Puzzle

Suppose you are sitting in an interview and the interviewee asks you an aptitude question.

You have three buckets with capacity 4 liters, 8 liters and 10 liters and you have a large tank of water. Now you have to measure 3 liters of water precisely using those buckets. How will you do it?

Adobe Cool Logical Interview Puzzle

It is impossible. The reason is that we are asked to measure 3 liters which is an odd number but the buckets we have can contain even liters of water only (4, 8 and 10). If you hoped to fill any of the bucket half, you will not be precise in measurement.

#83 - UK Logical Picture Riddle

Can you identify the direction in which this bus is moving; left or right?

Hint: The bus is moving on the roads of UK.

UK Logical Picture Riddle

The bus is moving left because we cannot see the door of the bus in this picture.

#84 - Famous Barber Haircut Riddle

A tourist visits a small town for his research. While in the town, he decides to get a haircut. Since the town is quite small, there are only two barbers in the town – one on the North Street and one on the South Street. The barbershop on the North Street is a mess and the barber has a weird and pathetic haircut. While the barbershop at the South Street is pretty tidy and the barber as well has an impressive haircut.

Which barbershop will the tourist visit for his haircut and why?

Famous Barber Haircut Riddle

The tourist will get his haircut from the barbershop at the North Street.

Since there are only two barbers in the town, it is obvious that the haircut of the barber at the north street would have been done by the one in the south street and vice versa. Thus, a weird haircut means that the one in the south street don't know the art of hair cutting well. Also, since the one in South Street is tidy, it can be possible that he is getting no customer.

#85 - Science Picture Riddle

When monkey rotate the gear, which mark will be hit 1 or 2 ?

Science Picture Riddle


As we know the gears in contact will always going to rotate in the opposite directions.

#86 - Google Interview Puzzle

There are seven sister in a house in a village where there is no electricity or any gadget.

Sister-1: Reading Novel
Sister-2: Cooking
Sister-3: Playing Chess
Sister-4: Playing Sudoku
Sister-5: Washing clothes
Sister-6: Garderning

what is Sister-7 doing ?

Google Interview Puzzle

Playing chess offcourse, chess needs 2 player

#87 - Join Star Puzzle

In the figure, you can see nine stars. What you have to do is connect all of them by using just four line and without lifting your hand i.e. in a continuous flow. Can you find a method to achieve it?

Join Star Puzzle

To do this, you needed to think out of the box. If you see the answer figure, you will understand what we are talking about.

#88 - Solve Mathematical Equation

Can you solve below mathematical equation ?

2^1234 - 2^1233


#89 - Logic Puzzle Using Matchsticks

In the picture that is attached with this question, you can find a square which comprises of four little squares inside it. Consider this square to be made with matchsticks. You have to remove two matchsticks such that only two squares remain instead of five.How will you do it ?

Logic Puzzle Using Matchsticks

The picture is self-explanatory. You have to remove the matchsticks that are marked with red. And then, you will have just two squares left.

#90 - Whatsapp Murder Mystery Puzzle

A guy was away from her wife for six months. When he returned back home, he gave a surprise to his wife who had no idea he was coming. To capture how happy she was, he clicked her picture that very moment. After a few days, the guy killed his wife. When the prosecutor asked him the reason, he said that his wife was cheating on him and this he killed her. On being asked for proof, he gave him this photo.Can you find out what the husband found out in this picture that made him believe his wife was cheating on him?

Whatsapp Murder Mystery Puzzle

If you look closely towards the right portion of the image where the girl has put her phone on charging, you will notice a man hiding behind the bed. An eye is clearly visible along with a slight part of his face.