#241 - Find The Cat Picture Riddle
Can you find the cat in the picture below?

124 + 0 = 15
246 + 0 = 32
357 + 0 = 40
468 + 0 = ?
A) 124 + 0 = 15
20 - (1+4)
B) 246 + 0 = 32
40 - (2+6)
C) 357 + 0 = 40
50 - (3+7)
468 + 0 = 48
60 - (4+8)
Consider yourself to be an FBI agent and therefore look at the picture carefully and found out if its a Suicide or a murder?
This Murder Or Suicide Perspective Picture Puzzle is a special type of puzzles where clue tells us if it's a murder or suicide and is based on reader perspective
A) Evidence suggests its a Murder
1. There are many signs that suggest struggle in the room.
2. The dead man seems to be left handed as all the essential things like the glass of water, the laptop is placed on the left-hand side and the murderer not knowingly that man was a left-handed placed gun on the right side.
3. We can see a man running in the background and probably run after opening the window.
B) Evidence suggests its a Suicide
The guy was frustrated and bankrupt(In the picture we can see some sort of financial data which going down like anything). He got drunk. and smacked the bottle into the wall with frustration and threw everything on the floor.
He then writes a suicide note and placed it on the table.
Pulls out a gun and shoot himself.
Note: Also about the man running, fingerprint and man running direction does not match
My perspective answer: Its a murder.
What is the response of "Valar Morghulis"?
Note: This riddle is for "Game of Thrones" fan.
Valar Dohaeris
"Valar Dohaeris" is a phrase commonly used in Braavos, means "all men must die".
The common response of "Valar Dohaeris" is "Valar Dohaeris" means "all men must serve."
A woman is found dead in the ladies bathroom. Based on the picture below can you find the murderer?
Number 3
Only ladies can enter a ladies bathroom and we have only one suspect a female(number 3) and hence the killer.
Find the mistake in the image below?
Rooster doesn't have webbed feet.
By using number 2-20 and two rules, Can you fill the below figure full of hexagon
Rule.1 = Two adjacent numbers difference must be more than 4
Rule.2 = The number inside yellow hexagon must be a prime number.
Can you find the last number in the series below?
voN luJ yaM raM ?
Step-A: Get input
voN luJ yaM raM ?
Step-B: Reverse input
? Mar May Jul Nov
Step-C: Get month numbers.
? 3 5 7 11
Step-D: Find the pattern
They all are prime numbers, therefore first number will be "2".
Final Step:
2nd month is Feb and reverse is beF
For Charity, five IPL teams were competing in cricket where they face each other exactly once. After the tournament, the following is the point table.
DareDevils 6
SuperKings 5
Royals 4
Sunrisers 2
Riders ?
How many points did Riders end up with?
Possible matches
DareDevils vs SuperKings
DareDevils vs Royals
DareDevils vs Sunrisers
DareDevils vs Riders
SuperKings vs Royals
SuperKings vs Sunrisers
SuperKings vs Riders
Royals vs Sunrisers
Royals vs Riders
Sunrisers vs Riders
Therefore there is a total of 10 matches. After every match, 2 points were distributed between two teams as:
Case1: One of team wins:
Winning team will get 2 points.
Case2: Match ends up in a draw
Both teams will share a point.
Therefore 10*2 = 20 points should be the sum of all team points.
6 + 5 + 4 + 2 + ? =20
? = 3
You need to pick one entry from potA and one from potB to have a perfect match.Can you do it?