#121 - Simple Popular Rebus
What does below rebus means ?

Happy Birthday To You
The current time can be represented by below textual rebus.
Can you tell us the current time?
2 degree below zero
what one word does below rebus identifies ?
Reasoning (Reason in G)
Can you identify the famous TV character from the rebus below?
Sherlock Holmes ( She + R + lock + Home)
Which famous Hollywood movie name is hidden in the below rebus?
Spy + derm (perm - p + d) + an(ant-t)
Decode the hidden movie name hidden in the picture rebus below?
Need For Speed.
Need (needle - le = need) + Four (Five -1) + Speed (man running)
Can you identify the Oscar-winning movie from the rebus below?>br>
Slumdog Millionare (Slum + Dog + Million + air)
Which famous classic Hollywood movie is hidden in the below rebus?
12 Angry Men