#11 - Holiday Rebus Puzzle
Which holiday are we talking about ?

He(he-man) + low(down array) + E +N(no)
Which holiday are we talking about ?
He(he-man) + low(down array) + E +N(no)
There is a movie name hidden in the picture that is attached with this question. Can you find out which movie is it?
Need for Speed
If you have studied mathematics, you must be knowing that ds/dt refers to speed. Thus the movie title is : Need for Speed.
The following "Brain Bat" means Slow Down.
Using the same logic, can you tell us what does the following Brain Bat means ?
Read downwards, SLOW means slow down.
Read upwards, EVIG (GIVE) will mean Give Up.
Can you solve the photo plexer logic ?
Nice Personality (n + ice + Purse on ality)
For this puzzle, you might have to find logic in something illogical. But hey, its fun and a healthy little break from your strenuous puzzle solving sessions.
Can you decipher the meaning in the following cluster of letters?
To frame a meaning, we will have to divide this big chunk into three smaller groups of letters. Lets see.
ITIT can be rewritten as 2 ITs or simply ITs or ITs
,N can be rewritten as Comma + N or Common
CENTCENT can be rewritten as 2 Cents or simply Cents or Sense
Now we have three words and when we combine them together, we get:
Its Common Sense.