#61 - Short Jokes Riddles

1. How can we put a elephant in the refrigerator ?
2. How can we put a Giraffe in a refrigerator ?
3. The king of the jungle invites all the animals to a party everyone comes except for one animal, which animal ?
4. You come to a crocodile infested lake, you can't go around it, you can't co under it and you can't go over it, how do you get across ?

Short Jokes Riddles

1. We open the door, put the elephant in the refrigerator and close the door.
2. We should open the door, take the elephant out of refrigerator, put the giraffe in and close the door
3. The giraffe, hes still in the refrigerator
4. You swim across all the crocodile are at the party.

#62 - Logical Clock Problem

Time in a digital clock can be palindromic like 12:12 (same when read forwards or backwards).

Whats the minimum interval between 2 times that are palindromic ?

Logical Clock Problem

2 minutes (between 9:59 and 10:01)

#63 - Maths Magic Puzzle

A number can be multiplied by multiple of nine
i.e 9 18 27 36 45 ...

and the resulting number consist of only one digit.

Can you identify the number ?

Maths Magic Puzzle


12345679 × 9 = 111111111 (only 1s)
12345679 × 18 = 222222222 (only 2s)
12345679 × 27 = 333333333 (only 3s)
12345679 × 36 = 444444444 (only 4s)
12345679 × 45 = 555555555 (only 5s)

#64 - What Is Time Riddle

I noticed that on my big wall clock, there is a time when the minute and hour clock are exactly between one and two.
Also, I notice both hands lie on top of each other.

What is the time I am talking about?

What Is Time Riddle


both minute and hour clock lie exactly between the number one and two in the number.

#65 - Infogain Interview Aptitude Question

On a magical land of Narnia , all the animal in the land are rational.

There are 10 tigers and one goat.
Tiger can eat goat but since its a magical land , the tiger who eats the goat , turns into goat and then can be eaten by the remaining tiger(s).

If we leave them for some time then how many goat and tiger will be there , when we come back ?

Infogain Interview Aptitude Question

9 tiger and one goat

since all animal are rational , once 1st tiger eats the sheep all the rest of tiger would know about this.

#66 - Oracle Probability Interview Question

What is the probability of choosing the correct answer at random from the options below.

a) 1/4
b) 1/2
c) 1
d) 1/4

Oracle Probability Interview Question

If the answer is 1/4, then because 2 out of 4 answer choices are '1/4', the answer must actually be 1/2. This is a contradiction. So the answer cannot be 1/4.
If the answer is 1/2 (or 1), then because 1/2 (or 1) is 1 out of 4 answer choices, the answer must be 1/4. This is again a contradiction. So the answer cannot be 1/2 (nor 1).

So none of the provided answer choices are correct. Therefore the probability of choosing the correct answer is 0%

#67 - Logical Thinking Riddle

I have 100 coins in my wallet.

What is the minimum number of coin(s), i would be required in order to make sure each coin touched exactly three other coins.

Logical Thinking Riddle


3 placed flat on the table in a triangle(touching each other) and put the fourth one on top of them in the middle.

#68 - Maths Logic Riddle

It can be easily calculated that the digits 0 to 9 can be arranged into 3628800 distinct ten-digit numbers.

But I also know how many of these numbers are prime.

Do you?

Maths Logic Riddle


The sum of numbers from zero to nine is 45 and can be divisible by 3 and 9.

#69 - count the number of squares

Can you count the number of squares in the figure below

count the number of squares


#70 - Hard Logic Chess Puzzle

Assume you have the white pieces, can you win in a half a move ?

Hard Logic Chess Puzzle

White should grab the rook from a1, place it at d1 and complete the castling move.