#171 - Grid English Word Riddle

Complete the given grid with valid words. You can only use the letters AAEEIIMMPPTT.Hint: The grid reads the same across as down.

Grid English Word Riddle

Limp, Idea, Meat and Pate are the words.

#172 - Thinking Fast Question

Ten frogs are sitting on a log floating on the surface of a river. Two of them decides to jump off in the water.

How many frogs are there on the log at this moment ?

Thinking Fast Question

Ten frogs only. The two frogs have just decided to jump, they have not jumped till now actually.

#173 - Short Geography Riddle

Do you know of a place where the wind blows south and then suddenly shifts direction towards the north ?

Short Geography Riddle

The place is the South Pole. Until the point the wind reaches the pole, it is going south but the moment it passes the pole, it is going north.

#174 - Trick Mind Teaser

What is made up of 4 letters, still made up of 5, occasionally written with 12 letters and rarely with 6, but is written with 3 letters at none of the occasion

Trick Mind Teaser

The statement is true.

What as 4 letters.
Still has 5 letters.
Occasionally has 12 letters.
Rarely has 6 letters.
But has 3 letters.

#175 - Lolz Riddle

He shaves every day but still he has a long beard. How?

Lolz Riddle

He is a barber.

#176 - Interesting Coin Riddle

A man comes across a coin that is dated 226 B.C. Can you calculate its worth ?

Interesting Coin Riddle

That coin is fake. This is because the B.C. and A.D. dating system was not invented till the year 525. Thus the worth of the coin is zero undoubtedly.

#177 - Short Funny Puzzle

There are forty elephants and they have forty-fore heads. How can this be possible?

Short Funny Puzzle

The forty elephants have forty foreheads.

#178 - Short Logic Riddle

All of the flowers I have are orchids except two. All of the flowers I have are hibiscuses except two. All of the flowers I have are roses except two.

Can you tell me how many flowers I have ?

Short Logic Riddle

I have two flowers neither of which are orchids, hibiscuses or roses.

#179 - Simple Quick Riddle

Two guys are playing tennis together and after the full three sets, both of them win. How can this be possible?

Simple Quick Riddle

This is possible if they were playing together as partners in a doubles match series.

#180 - Funny Quick Riddle

What type of tree can i carry in my hand ?

Palm Tree