#191 - Spell It Riddle
Spell It
If Today is Friday.
After 72 days which day of the week will it be?
72 days = 10 week + 2 day.
+2 day implies Sunday.
Who is bigger?
Mr. Bigger
Mrs. Bigger
or their baby girl?
Baby girl because she is a little bigger.
Three Boys enter an empty room but only two walks out.
The room is still empty.
Where is the third boy?
The third Boy was in a wheelchair so he rolls out of the room instead of walking out.
What does HELP + BARK + WARD + LEAD equal?
Hard, using the first letter of the first word, the second letter of the second word, etc
What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away?
Four men were in a boat on the lake. The boat turns over, and all four men sink to the bottom of the lake, yet not a single man got wet! Why?
Because they were all married and not single.
What is in seasons, seconds, centuries and minutes but not in decades, years or days?
The letter 'n'.
I am weightless, but you can see me. Put me in a bucket, and I'll make it lighter. What am I?
A Hole