#241 - Strange Riddle

I was speeding and ran through a stop sign, yet two traffic officers who were there do nothing about it.

why ?

I was running

#242 - Trick Fun Riddle

James bond was pushed out of an airplane without any parachute.
He survived

How come.?

Trick Fun Riddle

The plane was at runway

#243 - Name The Country Riddle

I know a country, If you remove the last alphabet of its name, it will become a part of your body.

Do you ?

Name The Country Riddle


#244 - Simple Trick Riddle

In a jungle where there is no streets lights or any other artificial source of lights, I notice a black snake crossing the road.
How did I get sight of the snake?

Simple Trick Riddle

Its day time

#245 - OneLine Funny Riddle

Can you name a key which is hardest to turn ?

OneLine Funny Riddle


#246 - Funny Who Am I Riddle

I have 4wheels and flies. Who am i ?

Garbage Truck

#247 - Humor What AM I Riddle

I am a fruit always found in a group of 2.

What Am I ?

Humor What AM I Riddle


#248 - Easy What Is It Riddle

There is one thing that goes round the house and also inside the house but never even share a brief touch. What is it?


#249 - Laughter Riddle

A man found the English Channel while sitting on his sofa. How did he find it?

Laughter Riddle

He was searching on a map and located it between France and England.

#250 - Short Death Riddle

A man doing his regular job accidentally tears his suit. He dies after three minutes.


Short Death Riddle

The possible situation can be that the man is a Deep Sea Diver. They wear a pressurized suit for diving. If the suit tears down somehow, the breathing apparatus can keep the person alive till the body can handle the intense water pressure.