#71 - General Knowledge Riddle
What was the duration for which the hundred years war lasted ?

It lasted from 1337 to 1453 i.e. 116 years.
What was the duration for which the hundred years war lasted ?
It lasted from 1337 to 1453 i.e. 116 years.
Sai caught 10 fishes without an I,
9 were deprived of tail
6 were headless
And half of 8
He weighed on a trusted scale
Can you find out if he asks you?
How many fishes were there in his basket?
He catches 10 fishes without an I or 1 according to Roman numeral. Taking off 1 from 10 makes it 0. Cutting the tail of 9 makes it zero. Removing the head of 6 makes it zero. Slicing 8 in half makes it zero as well. Thus in total, he caught zero fishes.
The doctor prescribed you to take one pill from the bottle every half an hour. The bottle is now left with only three pills.
How long do you think you have before you run out of pills?
You have an hour.
The most common answer will be one and a half hour. But remember, when you took the first pill, it was the zero minute.
Consider all the numbers between 1 and 1 million. Among all these numbers, there is something very special about the number 8 and the number 2202. What is it ?
If you start arranging the numbers alphabetically, the numbers 8 (eight) will come first and the number 2202 (two thousand two hundred and two) will come at last.
If you remove one from eleven, it becomes ten. If you remove one from nine, it becomes ten.
How is this possible ?
It is possible if you are using Roman Numerals.
9 = IX
10 = X
11 = XI
Now it is all possible.
Can you think of any number that if divided in half, becomes zero?
8 is the required number.
Chop it up in the middle and you will get either half as zero.
Your mythological knowledge might be pretty good. But can you tell the place where Lord Ram celebrated Diwali?
You might be thinking between, Ayodhya, Lanka and Mitila etc but you are looking in the wrong direction. As per the logics, Diwali was celebrated as a mark of Lord Krishna killing the demon Narakasura.
If you know the Dasavatar, you must be knowing that Lord Krishna was the eighth avatar and Lord Ram was the seventh avatar. Therefore Lord Rama was born before Lord Krishna and could not have celebrate Diwali.
Raman was born on March 5, 1970. Prakhar was born 25 days before Raman. The year when they took birth, the Republic Day fell on Monday.
Can you find out on what day was Prakhar born?
Prakhar was born on Sunday.
Prakhar was born 25 days before Raman and thus the birth date of Prakhar will be 8 Feb 1970.
Republic Day was on Monday.
Number of days from 26 January till 8 February = 13
After 13 days of Monday, it will be Sunday.
Can a man marry his widow"s sister legally in India?
No, he cannot. If his wife is widow, it means that he is already dead.