#121 - Maths Logic Riddle

It can be easily calculated that the digits 0 to 9 can be arranged into 3628800 distinct ten-digit numbers.

But I also know how many of these numbers are prime.

Do you?

Maths Logic Riddle


The sum of numbers from zero to nine is 45 and can be divisible by 3 and 9.

#122 - Logical Thinking Riddle

I have 100 coins in my wallet.

What is the minimum number of coin(s), i would be required in order to make sure each coin touched exactly three other coins.

Logical Thinking Riddle


3 placed flat on the table in a triangle(touching each other) and put the fourth one on top of them in the middle.

#123 - Short Maths Riddle

If 5 Rats eat 5 cheese in 5 seconds.

How many seconds would it take 4 Rats to eat 4 cheese ?

Short Maths Riddle

5 seconds

#124 - Short Riddle

There is something which is always coming but never arrives ?


#125 - Tricky Riddle Question

In a rainy season, one day 3 huge ladies walking under a normally sized umbrella.
The umbrella is not huge enough to accommodate all 3 ladies yet not a single lady got wet.


Tricky Riddle Question

Its not raining , its just a rainy season :p

#126 - Tricky Riddle To Ask

Yesterday i fell from 30 feet high ladder but i dont get hurt. Why ?

Tricky Riddle To Ask

I fell from bottom stair

#127 - Funny What Word Riddle

Which alphabet is a part of our body

Funny What Word Riddle


#128 - Riddle In Image

Solve the riddle in the image ?

Riddle In Image

Letter 'E'

#129 - Easiest What Am I Science Riddle

Identify Me
Hint1: I am a god
Hint 2: I am a planet
Hint 3: measurer of heat.

Easiest What Am I Science Riddle


#130 - Valentines Day Funny Questions

1. Where does Easter come before Valentine's Day?

2. Do you know what is in the middle of Valentine?

3. What did the lady bee say to the man bee on the occasion of Valentine Day

Valentines Day Funny Questions

1. off-course in the dictionary
2. Its the letter 'N'
3. I love being(bee-ing) with you