#41 - Shortest Funniest Country Riddle
What country can make you shiver?

Ten frogs are sitting on a log floating on the surface of a river. Two of them decides to jump off in the water.
How many frogs are there on the log at this moment ?
Ten frogs only. The two frogs have just decided to jump, they have not jumped till now actually.
Complete the given grid with valid words. You can only use the letters AAEEIIMMPPTT.Hint: The grid reads the same across as down.
Limp, Idea, Meat and Pate are the words.
A couple went to a hill station for enjoying their vacation.They have 12 sons and each son have a wife who have 3 sons further.
How many people went to the hill station?
Read the question again. The questions say that a couple went to hill station. There is no mention that the further mentioned people also went along.Thus the answer is two people
If you remove one from eleven, it becomes ten. If you remove one from nine, it becomes ten.
How is this possible ?
It is possible if you are using Roman Numerals.
9 = IX
10 = X
11 = XI
Now it is all possible.
Why do you find that most of the buildings are deprived of the 13th floor?
Because most of the buildings are not that tall enough.
Identify what is common in living well, laughter and good offense.
All three of them are the best.
Laughter, the best medicine. Living well, the best revenge and a good offense, the best defense.
Women do it once a year after they turn 29 but men get to do it only once in a lifetime. What is it?
Turning 30
Consider all the numbers between 1 and 1 million. Among all these numbers, there is something very special about the number 8 and the number 2202. What is it ?
If you start arranging the numbers alphabetically, the numbers 8 (eight) will come first and the number 2202 (two thousand two hundred and two) will come at last.
The doctor prescribed you to take one pill from the bottle every half an hour. The bottle is now left with only three pills.
How long do you think you have before you run out of pills?
You have an hour.
The most common answer will be one and a half hour. But remember, when you took the first pill, it was the zero minute.