#41 - Infosys Written Aptitude Interview Quest

Alex speaks truth only once a day in a week. Below are a few hints for you:

First: Days are Sunday, Monday and so on.
Second: One day he says, "I lie on Monday and Tuesday".
Third: On the next day, he says, "Today is either Thursday, Saturday or Sunday".
Fourth: On the next day, he says, "I lie on Wednesday and Friday".

Can you identify the day on which he speaks truth?

Infosys Written Aptitude Interview Quest

Alex speaks truth on Thursday.

#42 - Relationship Statement Riddle

Each of these statements (which are true) refers to seven out of the eight living members of a family. You will find that the statement either refers to them by their personal name or through their relationship with another member. The statements are:
a) Jacob"s wife"s sister"s husband"s mother"s son is Patrick"s cousin"s father.
b) Sia"s grand-daughter"s cousin"s father"s sister-in-law is Gerry"s son-in-law"s wife.

Now if Annabelle has no children, what relationship does she share with Michael?

PS: There can be two solutions to this problem.

Solution 1:
Annabelle is Michael"s daughter. This is because Michael is Sia"s son. Also he is married to one of the Gerry"s daughters. Gerry"s other daughter is married to Jacob and Patrick is their son.

Solution 2:
Michael and Jacob are brothers. Sia is their mother. In this case, "Jacob"s wife"s sister"s husband"s mother"s son" refers to Jacob himself. Thus, Patrick is Michale"s son and Annabelle is Jacob"s daughter which means that Annabelle is Michael"s niece.

#43 - Egg Trick Statement Riddle

A container contains hundred eggs. They can be either fresh or rotten. What is sure is the fact that there is at least one fresh egg in that container.

If you are asked to pick two eggs randomly from the container, at least one of them will be rotten.

Can you calculate how many eggs in that container are fresh?

Only one egg in that container is fresh.

The question tells us that at least one egg in that container is fresh. Then the question says when two eggs are picked at random, at least one egg will be rotten. This concludes that all the other 99 eggs are rotten or there would have been possibility of picking two fresh eggs as well.