#131 - Hard Day Born Puzzle

Raman was born on March 5, 1970. Prakhar was born 25 days before Raman. The year when they took birth, the Republic Day fell on Monday.

Can you find out on what day was Prakhar born?

Prakhar was born on Sunday.

Prakhar was born 25 days before Raman and thus the birth date of Prakhar will be 8 Feb 1970.
Republic Day was on Monday.
Number of days from 26 January till 8 February = 13

After 13 days of Monday, it will be Sunday.

#132 - Switch Or Not Puzzle

You are presented with three boxes. One of them has a red ball inside and the other two have a black ball inside each of them. You are asked to pick up the one with red ball and you pick one. Now, one of the other boxes is opened and it is found to have a black ball.

You are presented with a chance to change your box with the one that is left closed. Will you change your box? Why or why not?

When you picked up a random box, the probability that the red ball was inside was 1/3.
The chance that red ball was inside one of the two left boxes was 2/3. One box is opened and it is found to have a black ball.

Now you still have a probability of 1/3 that the ball inside your box is red. While the other box has a probability of 2/3 that the red ball is inside since the box that was opened has been taken out.

Thus, you must change the boxes and you will double the chances of getting a red ball.

#133 - Widow Sister Riddle

Can a man marry his widow"s sister legally in India?

No, he cannot. If his wife is widow, it means that he is already dead.

#134 - Classic Relation Riddle

Two boys take admission in a school. When the headmaster asks them about their parents, they tell him that they have same parents (father and mother). On further inquiry, it turns out that they both share the same date for their birthday.

"Are you twins," ask the headmaster.
"No," replies the boys.

Is it possible?

Yes, it is certainly possible. They were not twins but triplets.

#135 - Reach Top Riddle

An ape is trying to climb on a pole that is 60 feet high. Due to the slippery surface, the ape climbs 3 feet in a minute only to slip back 2 feet.

How much time do you think the monkey will take to reach the top of the pole?

Hint: The answer is not sixty minutes.

The ape will be able to reach the top in 58 minutes.

Since the ape slips back two feet after climbing 3 feet every minute, he will reach 57 feet in 57 minutes. Now the remaining distance is 3 feet and the ape will take 1 more minute to reach there. He wont slip back because he has already reached the top.

#136 - Quick Riddle

If all Borks are Grogs and all Grogs are Snorts, are all Snorts Borks ?


#137 - Logic Statement Riddle

Is the statement valid that it does not matter how much older a sibling is, eventually the younger one will be half as old as the older one ?

The statement is true only if both of the siblings live till the younger one is as old as the older one was when the younger was born.

#138 - How Many Times Chocolate Bar

There is a 2 x 8 chocolate bar I have with me. I can break this bar along the length or the breadth. Now, I want to obtain 1 x 1 pieces.

How many times do you think I need to break it to get what I want ?

You can calculate it using old school way. However if you want to solve using logic, you can look below:
There is one piece of chocolate and we need exactly 2 x 8 = 16 pieces.
Whenever you break that bar, you will get one more piece. Thus, you will need to break it (16 - 1) = 15 times.

#139 - Clever How To Die Riddle

A king sentenced a man of death sentence for some crime he had committed. Known for his kindness, the king told the culprit that he had a choice to die through a way he decides.

The culprit was clever and said something that saved him from the death. What method do you think he must have chosen for his death ?

The culprit chose to die of an old age.

#140 - Who Is Taller Puzzle

500 women soldiers are arranged in an array of ten rows and fifty columns in accordance with their respective heights. Now, the tallest woman from each row is asked to move out in the front. From them, the shortest one is labelled as Alpha. They are then asked to resume their original position.

Now, the shortest woman in each column is asked to come out in front. The tallest among them is labelled as Beta.

Can you find out if Alpha will be taller or Beta?

Alpha and Beta are the same woman.

Let us begin by making the assumption that the numbers represent the height of the women.

Now, the tallest among 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. will be 50 or Alpha.
The shortest among 50, 100, ... , 500 will be 50 or Beta.

Therefore, they both are the same woman.