#321 - 1933 Born Riddle
Frank was born in 1933 and died in 1946 at the age of 50.
How can this be?

Frank was born in room #1933
Frank was born in 1933 and died in 1946 at the age of 50.
How can this be?
Frank was born in room #1933
A prisoner is sentenced and sent to prison. He was stuck in a metal room with a metal door that was locked.
There were no windows and nothing in the room but a piano.
How can the prisoner escape?
Prisoner plays the piano till he finds the right key and escaped using the right key.
Three Boys enter an empty room but only two walks out.
The room is still empty.
Where is the third boy?
The third Boy was in a wheelchair so he rolls out of the room instead of walking out.
Mr. and Mrs. Banana have 7 daughters each daughter has one brother. Can you tell how many people are in the family?
1(Mr. Banana) + 1(Mrs. Banana) + 7 (daughters) + 1 (brother).
In what way can you place the number 4 inside the number 5?
Note: This is a trick riddle and not a mathematical riddle.
Which is : F(IV)E
Where IV = 4
So we achieved 4(IV) inside 5 (FIVE)
A person named Daredevil arrives home after a hectic day of work. He cheerfully exclaims to his wife, "Hey babe, the microwave is running and defrosting a mutton dinner." In response from the bedroom, his wife says, "Could you please check the microwave and let me know how much time is remaining?"
Without hesitation, Daredevil rushes out and contacts the police, alerting them to a potentially dangerous situation involving his wife.
Why does he take this immediate action?
The husband is blind, so the wife wouldn't ask him to look and tell her the remaining time, as she knows he can't see. Consequently, he believes something could be amiss and calls the police to ensure her safety.
A wife and her husband were driving in their car on the highway. All of a sudden, they ran out of gas. So the husband said to the wife, 'Now, you stay here. I will go down the highway to the nearest gas station, and I will be about 1 hour. Just listen to the radio and read some books, and remember to lock all the windows and doors. I will leave the keys with you.' So, off the husband went, and the wife first locked ALL the windows and doors. Next, she turned on the radio, and this is what she heard on the news report:
'THERE IS A MURDERER ON THE LOOSE. HE WAS LAST SEEN ON THE HIGHWAY, WEARING ALL BLACK, ABOUT 5 FOOT 11 INCHES. PLEASE, BE AWARE AND CONTACT THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY.' The wife got very scared. She turned off the radio and double checked the locked doors. Then she saw the murderer, only a couple feet away from the car. An hour later, the husband returned to his car. Inside the car, his wife was DEAD, she had been murdered. All the windows were still locked, and the doors. No windows were broken, and the car was in PERFECT condition. No scratches or anything, it was the same way as when he left it. How did the murderer kill the wife?You don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to solve this ??
The car was a convertable, and the roof was open.
Try to find out a multi-digit number that if multiplied by the number 9 or any of its multiplications products (18, 27, 36, 45,..) will result in the multiplication factor repeated (n) number of times
The number is: 12345679
12345679 * 9 = 111111111
12345679 * 18 = 222222222
12345679 * 27 = 333333333
And so on...
Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?
Mount Everest