#341 - Can You Find The Letter


These are the letters given to you. Now you have to find out the letter that comes two to the right of the letter which is immediately to the left of the letter that comes three to the right of the letter that comes midway between the letter two to the left of the letter C and the letter immediately to the right of the letter F.

Can you find it?

H is the answer.

In such questions, we usually start from the backwards. So start with the letter F and look at the right of it. It is the letter G. Now seek the letter two left to C i.e. A. Find the mid letter which will be D. Now go three right and stop at G. Go one left and you will have F. Finally go right twice and you will have the letter H.

#342 - Trick Situation Riddle

In a fruit store there was a unique weighing machine which was made to weigh only cherries and strawberries as they were priced the same.

Other fruits like water melons or mango had different machines as they were expensive.

A man successfully buys water melons at the price of cherries. How ?

The logic used by the machines, It differentiated the fruits with the help of colour. So the weighing scale that would weigh only cherries and strawberries only weighed what was red. So the man peeled it and then weighed the fruit. Since it is red inside the machine weighs it and marks it at the price of cherries.

#343 - Humor Paint Riddle

An artist while painting a scenic beauty, decides to paint three layers of blue color on the sky.

Which layer will go on the first?

Of course, the second layer will go on "the first" layer.

#344 - Quick Riddle To Ask

At his own home, a man watches a beautiful lady killed. He cried but does not do anything about it. Why?

He was watching an emotional movie at home in which a lady is killed.

#345 - Monkey Squirrel Eagle Race

A Monkey, a squirrel, and an Eagle are racing to the top of the mango tree. Assuming all these animals are in perfect shape, Which animal will reach Banana first?

It is a mango tree.

#346 - Which Cup Will Fill First

Look carefully at the picture and identify which cup will fill first?

Which Cup Will Fill First

This is a trick teaser as cup-8 is not visible on 1st look.

#347 - Quick Easy Riddle

Note Its a quick riddle, so you need to answer really fast.

Roberto Baggio and Dino Baggio are two brothers with age difference of 11. Roberto is 10 Years older than Dino.
What is the age of Dino?

Quick Easy Riddle

0.5, Many must have guessed the answer to be 1.