#21 - Hidden Superhero Movie Rebus

Which superhero movie name is hidden in the below rebus?

Hidden Superhero Movie Rebus


A + ven(Van) + G(google) + ers(ears)

#22 - Storm Simple Rebus

what does below rebus means?

Storm Simple Rebus

thunderstorm (TH + under + storm)

#23 - What Does Rebus means

Can you decode the hidden meaning in the rebus below?

What Does Rebus means

Two Good For Me

Two Good ( 2 times good)
For Me (for => Four, four times me)

#24 - Classic Hollywood Movie Rebus

Which famous classic Hollywood movie is hidden in the below rebus?

Classic Hollywood Movie Rebus

12 Angry Men

#25 - Coolest Maths Rebus

Can you tell us what does below rebus means?

Coolest Maths Rebus

I Over Ate

Check the mathematical solution on the image below.
Also, 8 in 2018 resembles a fat person.

#26 - Nobody Law Rebus Riddle

Can you decipher the rebus meaning?

Nobody Law Rebus Riddle

Nobody is above law.

#27 - Oscar Winning Movie Rebus

Can you identify the Oscar-winning movie from the rebus below?

Oscar Winning Movie Rebus

SpotLight -- Spot + lie + T(tea)

#28 - Oscar Hollywood Movie Rebus

Can you identify the Oscar-winning movie from the rebus below?>br>

Oscar Hollywood Movie Rebus

Slumdog Millionare (Slum + Dog + Million + air)

#29 - Guess Movie Rebus

Guess the hidden movie name?

Guess Movie Rebus

Forest Gump

#30 - Hollywood Movie Rebus Riddle

Which famous Hollywood movie name is hidden in the below rebus?

Hollywood Movie Rebus Riddle

Spy + derm (perm - p + d) + an(ant-t)