#71 - Holiday Rebus Puzzle

Which holiday are we talking about ?

Holiday Rebus Puzzle

He(he-man) + low(down array) + E +N(no)

#72 - Guess What It Says Rebus

Cam you guess what does below rebus says ?

Guess What It Says Rebus

Fooling Around

#73 - Easy Rebus Word Riddle

See the rebus puzzle below and guess what it is trying to say.

Easy Rebus Word Riddle

Side Show is what it is trying to say. You can guess that because the word show is cornered to one side.

#74 - Simple Plexer Puzzle

What does this simple plexer means ?

Simple Plexer Puzzle

Rising Mercury

#75 - Very Easy Rebus Puzzle

Can you tell what this rebus puzzle is trying to depict?

Very Easy Rebus Puzzle

Fat Chance is what it is trying to depict. You can guess that with the bulged out letters.

#76 - Easy Movie Rebus Riddle

Identify the movie name ?

Easy Movie Rebus Riddle

Pirates of Caribbean

#77 - Rebus Puzzle Example

Below puzzle is a popular example for rebus puzzles.

Can you tell us what i am thinking by solving the below rebus ?

Rebus Puzzle Example

Feeling on top of the World

#78 - Rebus Puzzle For Middle School

what does this picture tell you ?

Rebus Puzzle For Middle School

Generation Gap

#79 - BrainBat Riddle

What can you deduce from the following BrainBat?


Cry over spilt milk.

#80 - Fun Rebus Riddle

What does below rebus puzzle means ?

Fun Rebus Riddle

All around the houses