#21 - Trivia Geography Riddle

Can it be possible to build a house that has all its four walls facing towards the South?

Yes, it is possible.
If the house is built at the North Pole, all the walls will face towards South.

#22 - Number Trivia

Can you find out which number multiplied by itself will give the output as 12345678987654321 ?

1 * 1 = 1
11 * 11 = 121
111 * 111 = 12321
1111 * 1111 = 1234321
111111111 * 111111111 = 11=2345678987654321

#23 - Trivia Number Riddle

A special integer exists in mathematics that shows a special property. If you subtract any number from that integer, the result will always be divisible by the successor of that number completely.

Do you know what that integer is ?

The required integer is -1.

For an example, let us subtract 7 from -1.

-1 - 7 = -8

Now the successor of 7 is 8 and (-8) is exactly divisible by 8.

You can try that for any number and it will hold true.

#24 - Hard Tricky Maths Trivia Question

Can you think of three numbers that gives a prime number as their product and also the difference between the second and first is equal to the difference between third and second?

The three numbers are: -3, -1 and 1.
Remember that we never asked for positive numbers.

#25 - Trivia English Riddle

There is an English word that can be used up to four times in a row without modifying the spelling and form a valid grammatical sentence.

Do you know what word is that?

The word is "Buffalo".

According to the dictionary meaning, Buffalo is a noun meaning an animal. It is also a verb meaning "to bully".

Sentence: Buffalo.
Meaning: Go and bully someone.

Sentence: Buffalo buffalo.
Meaning: Animals bully.

Sentence: Buffalo buffalo buffalo.
Meaning: Animals bully other animals.

Sentence: Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo.
Meaning: Animals that are bullied by other animals, in turn, bully other animals.

#26 - Trick Story Puzzle

A man was telling some of his war stories to his grandchildren.
"When the World War I was on the verge of end, I was awarded for my bravery for I had saved a group of my men." He coughed and then added, "When we were fighting in northern France, an enemy soldier threw a grenade at us. Before it could explode, I picked it up and threw it away. For my act of bravery, right before the war ended, A General gave me a sword engraved with the words "Awarded for Display of Bravery and Heroism in World War 1"."

Hearing this, one of the grandson spoke up. "Grandpa, this is not a true story. It can"t be true!"

The truth is that it was not. How did the grand children know it?

The word "World War I" could not have been engraved on the sword. This is because the Second World War had not happened then and nobody knew that it will happen.

#27 - NYC Hardest Logical Deduction Puzzle

You are hanging around in NYC when a person approaches you.

"Leaving the bald people aside, I can bet a hundred bucks that there are two people living in NYC who have same number of hairs on their heads," he says to you.

You say that you will take the bet. After talking to the man for a couple of minutes, you realize that you have lost the bet.

What did the person say to you that proved his statement ?

This problem can be best solved using the pigeonhole principle.

The argument will go like this:
Assume that all the non-bald people in NYC have different number of hairs on their head. The population is about 9 million and let us assume that there are 8 million among them who are not bald.

Now, those 8 million people need to have different number of hairs. On an average, people have just 100, 000 hairs on their head. If we keep on assuming that there is someone with just one hair, someone with two, someone with three and so on, there will be 7, 900, 00 other people left who will have more than 100, 000 hairs on their head and need different number of hairs.

Now, as per this assumption, if we keep increasing one hair for each person, to make everybody hair different in numbers, we will come across someone with 8, 000, 000 hairs. But that is practically impossible (even 1, 000, 000 is impossible). Thus there must be two people who are having same number of hairs.

#28 - Funny Read Between Lines

January 1st 2010 = 800 X 600
January 1st 2011 = 1280 x1024
January 1st 2012 = 600 x 1200

New Year Resolution (Most Popular Screen Resolution of the year)

#29 - Mathematical Proof Puzzle

Below, you will find the mathematical proof that 10 equals 9.99999…. But is that possible or there is something wrong about it? Can you find the error?

x = 9.999999...
10x = 99.999999...
10x - x = 90
9x = 90
x = 10

Mathematical Proof Puzzle

No error is present in this proof and 10 is actually equal to 9.99999…. The proof is absolutely correct.

#30 - Easy Mathematics Trivia

Can you find a number that lies one third of the distance between 1/3 and 2/3?

Easy Mathematics Trivia

Let us find a bigger multiple first. Lets multiply the numerator and denominator by 9 in both the numbers.
Now, 1/3 = 9/27
And, 2/3 = 18/27

Clearly, 12/27 lies one third on the distance between the two numbers now.