#121 - Unscramble Word Picture Puzzle

You can find two rows in the given picture each with six letters. You have to unscramble the letters and make two words (one from first row and second from second row).After that, you have to unscramble the circled letter as well to find a meaningful word.Can you do it?

Unscramble Word Picture Puzzle

Unscrambled first row: AUGUSTUnscrambled second row: SCRIPTThe unscrambled circled letters: STRAPS or SPRATS.

#122 - I am easy to lift but Hard to Throw what am I

It's very easy to lift but very hard to throw?

What is it?

I am easy to lift but Hard to Throw what am I

A feather.

#123 - Fruit Bird Person Brain Teaser

I am a fruit, a bird, and also a person.

What Am I?

Fruit Bird Person Brain Teaser

A kiwi