#51 - Hard Word Plexer

Which word does the below Plexer means ?

Hard Word Plexer


#52 - Who Am I For Kids

There is no place I dont travel throughout the world but I always keep myself in a corner. Do you know who I am?

Who Am I For Kids

I am Stamp.

#53 - Who Am I Trivia Question

The measurement of time
That cant be found on a clock
But can be looked upon on a map
Who am I ?

Who Am I Trivia Question

I am Mississippi.
(One Mississippi, Two Mississippi, Three Mississippi etc.)

#54 - What Is It Word Riddle

Its pretty hard to give up.
If you remove a part of it, you will be left with a bit.
Even if you remove another part, bit still remains.
Remove one more and it still remains.

What is it?

What Is It Word Riddle


#55 - Hard Riddle What Am I

These type of puzzles are known as charade. What you have to do is find two words that are referred to in the first stanza and the second stanza and put them together to form the third word in the third stanza.

Just for an example, if my first refers to 'off' and my second refers to 'ice', then my whole will be office.

My first is present - future's past -
A time in which your lot is cast.

My second is my first of space
Defining people's present place.

My whole describes a lack of site -
A place without length, breadth, or height.

Hard Riddle What Am I


The two words hinted are:
NOW (The present time)
HERE (The present place)

Combining them, we get NOWHERE (A lack of place).

#56 - Grid English Word Riddle

Complete the given grid with valid words. You can only use the letters AAEEIIMMPPTT.Hint: The grid reads the same across as down.

Grid English Word Riddle

Limp, Idea, Meat and Pate are the words.

#57 - Who am I Riddle For Children

Buy me, smell me or deliver me, I donquot;t change.

Who am I?

Who am I Riddle For Children

Cent, Scent and Sent.

#58 - What Word Am I Thinking Of Riddle

I am an eleven letter word.
The first, second, third and fourth letter combine to form a bankquot;s name.
The fifth, sixth and seventh letter combine to form a carquot;s name.
The eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh letter combine to form a mode of transport.

Can you identify what word am I?

What Word Am I Thinking Of Riddle


#59 - Who Am I Riddle With Clues

Can you tell who am I ?

I am an eight letter word and I am a computer terminology.
The second, third and fourth letters make an animal.
The fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth letters make a weapon.
The first, second, third and fourth letters can be taken as an outcome of any exam.
The fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth letter combine to form a high end typing software.

Who Am I Riddle With Clues


#60 - Hobbit Riddle

Its something that each of us devours,
Not just us but birds, beats, trees and flowers,
Frets iron and nibbles steel,
Toil hard stones to meal,
Exterminates king, collapse town,
And blows the mountains down.

Hobbit Riddle
