#1141 - Rebus Riddle

What does this mean? CCCCCCC

Rebus Riddle

the seven seas

#1142 - Mathematical Puzzle

Suppose I am a grandfather. My grandson is about as old in days as my son is in weeks. He is also as many months old as I am in years. Together, the three of us are 140 years old. How old am I?

Mathematical Puzzle

As noted, all three are 140 years old. Thus, a+b+c=140, where a is grandfather, b is son, and c is grandson. Additionally, grandson being about as many days old as son is in weeks gives 365c=52b. Finally, the grandson being as many months as I am in years gives 12c=a. Thus, the following are known.

365c=52b or b=365c/52

By calculation and substitution we have as follows.

12c + 365c/52 +c = 140
624c + 365c + 52c = 7280
1041c = 7280
c = 6.99, or 7 (teaser said 'about')
so, as 12c = a, then a = 84.

I am 84 years old.
As an aside, my son is 49

#1143 - Logical Riddle

A Child was born on Lahore, Pakistan.Still child is not a pakistani citizen.why ?

Logical Riddle

Because he was born before 1947(before pakistan exists) and hence is an indian citizen

#1144 - Logical Maths Science Riddle

When Manish was three years old he hammered a nail into his favorite tree to mark his height. Six years later at age nine, Manish returned to see how much higher the nail was. If the tree grew by five centimeters each year, how much higher would the nail be?

Logical Maths Science Riddle

The nail would be at the same height since trees grow at their tops.

#1145 - Casino Rebus Riddle

What does this say?
or nothing
or nothing

Casino Rebus Riddle

Double or nothing

#1146 - Mad Riddle

What demands an answer, but asks no questions

Mad Riddle


#1147 - Next Number In Series

What letter is next in this sequence?
M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O,__

Next Number In Series

N for November!

#1148 - Logic Puzzle

A cat, a dog and a moneky were stolen. 3 suspects got caught: Harish, Manoj and Tarun. All we know that each person stole one animal, but we do not know who stole which. Here are the investigation statements. Harish said: Tarun stole the cat. Manoj said: Tarun stole the dog. Tarun said: They both were lying. I did not steal the cat or the dog. Later on, the police found out the man who stole the moneky told a lie. The man who stole the cat told the truth. Can you find out who stole which?

Logic Puzzle

Harish stole Moneky ( R $ C )
Tarun stole Dog ( T $ D )
Manoj stole Cat ( S $ H )

#1149 - Rebus Word Puzzle

What does this say?

Rebus Word Puzzle

Tennis shoes

#1150 - Logic Riddle

An infinite number of mathematicians are standing behind a bar. The first asks the barman for half a pint of beer, the second for a quarter pint, the third an eighth, and so on. How many pints of beer will the barman need to fulfill all mathematicians' wishes?

Logic Riddle

Just 1