#281 - Logical Puzzle Asked In Interview

I organized a small get together at my home.
In the party , i have a barrel with some whiskey in it.

Suddenly Guest 1 say 'I bet this barrel of whiskey is more than half full'.
'No, its less than half full' Guest 2 replied.

I don't have any measuring instrument and without removing whiskey from it , how can i determine which of the guest is right ?

Logical Puzzle Asked In Interview

Tilt the barrel until the whiskey barely touches the lip of the barrel. If the bottom of the barrel is visible then it is less than half full.If the barrel bottom is still completely covered by the whiskey, then it is more than half full.

#282 - Solve This Math Problem

3 kids Prinka Tanu and Vidushi got some chocolates.
Prinka gave Tanu and Vidushi as many chocolates as they already had.
Then Tanu gave Prinka and Vidushi as many chocolates as they already had.
Finally, Vidushi gave Tanu and Prinka as many chocolates as they already had.

Now each of them has 24 chocolates.
How many chocolates they had originally?

Solve This Math Problem

Prinka had 39 , tanu had 21 and vidushi had 12 chocolates initially.

Solve the problem in reverse way as below :
Prinka Tanu Vidushi
24 24 24
12 12 48
6 42 24
39 21 12

#283 - Labor Day Maths Puzzle

Manish drive to his office at 20km/hr. After reaching office, he realize that today is a holiday of 'Labor Day'.He went back at average speed of 30km/hr. Discounting the time spent in the stoppage what was his average speed of his journey ?

Labor Day Maths Puzzle

24km/hr (not 25km/hr which might be guessed by many)

D : distance traveled
T1 : time of going to office
T2 : time of returning back
Y : Average Speed

D = 20 * T1
T1 = D/20

D = 30 * T2
T2 = D/30

2D = Y(T2 + T1)
2D = Y(D/20 + D/30)
2D = Y(3D/60 + 2D/60)
2D = Y(5D/60)
Y = 120D/5D

=> Y = 24

#284 - What Word Am I Looking For

I am looking for a word that change both gender and number when i add the letter 'S'.

What Word Am I Looking For ?

What Word Am I Looking For

Princes (male and plural) add an 's' Princess (female and singular)

#285 - Word Rebus

What word does this rebus represent?

meta meta
meta meta

Word Rebus

Metaphor (Meta 4).

#286 - Trick Maths Riddle

I have a role of cloth 1km long.
I have a machine which cuts this role into pieces of 10 meter long cloth.

How long would it take for the machine to cut the roll if each cut took 4 secs ?

Trick Maths Riddle

396 seconds

1000m would only take 99 cuts not 100.
so 4*99 => 396

#287 - Valentines Day Funny Questions

1. Where does Easter come before Valentine's Day?

2. Do you know what is in the middle of Valentine?

3. What did the lady bee say to the man bee on the occasion of Valentine Day

Valentines Day Funny Questions

1. off-course in the dictionary
2. Its the letter 'N'
3. I love being(bee-ing) with you

#288 - Tricky Logic Puzzle

I have some blue and red sock in my drawer. I have a total of 4 socks. I pick 2 socks and chances that I get a pair of red socks is 1/2.

What is the chance of picking a pair of blue socks?

Tricky Logic Puzzle


I had 3 red socks and 1 blue sock.

=> chances of pair of red socks = 1/2
chances of pair of mixed socks = 1/2
chances of pair of red socks = NULL

#289 - Logical Number Series

Find the next number in this series.

6 14 36 98 ?

Logical Number Series


6 = 11 + 21 + 31
14 = 12 + 22 + 32
36 = 13 + 23 + 33
98 = 14 + 24 + 34
276 = 15 + 25 + 35

#290 - Popular What Word Puzzle

I know a word which reads the same when written forward, backward or upside down.

Do you ?

Popular What Word Puzzle
