#431 - Coin Puzzle

I inserted a coin in a bottle and closed its mouth with the help of a cork. Now, I was able to take the coin out from the bottle without taking out the cork or breaking the bottle. Can you tell me how I did it ?

It is possible if the cork was pushed inside the bottle and then, the coin was taken out normally.

#432 - Interesting Puzzle To Solve

In an office's desk, you find a unique method that shows the current day of the month. Two numbered cubes are used to depict the current date.

Can you find out the numbers on both the cubes so that each date can be mentioned using them?

Please note that you have to use both the cubes to display any date. Thus the 1st day must be represented by 01 and so on.

Interesting Puzzle To Solve

First cube has the following numbers:
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Second cube has the following numbers:
0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8

If you noticed, we have not used number 9 on any cube. This is because, you can always invert the number 6 to make it 9.

Please note that an alternate solution is also available for this problem. If you can find it, do post in the comments section.

#433 - Solve The Picture Riddle

Can you arrange the six given marbles in a manner that each one of them is touching all four marbles of different colors?

Solve The Picture Riddle

To make it happen, you must arrange the marbles as the vertices of an octahedron. See the image for reference.

#434 - Simple But Tricky Question

A pet show was happening in my locality. I went down along with my kids. In that show, I noticed that all except two of the entries were cats. All except two were dogs and all except two were fishes.

Can you find out how many of each animals were present in that pet show?

Simple But Tricky Question

one dog, one cat and one fish

Just muse at the statements with more concentration. All except two were dogs and all except two were cats. Thus we can fairly assume that two animals were not dogs and two were not cats. Now one of that animal that is not dog can be a cat. Similarly one of that animal that is not a cat can be a dog. If we combine this result with the fact that all except two of the pets were fish, we can come up with the result that in that pet show that day, there was one dog, one cat and one fish.

#435 - Deductive Logic Puzzle

In a university, a professor gave a set of three problems to the three brilliant most students of his class. See the image for the questions.

Deductive Logic Puzzle

We know that everybody has got two questions right and one wrong.

Now if the first student got the first question wrong, then the second one must have that question as wrong two since both answers are the same.

Now if that is true, then we are having two different correct answers for the second and third question.

Thus, the first and second student must be correct with the first question.

Keep on applying the same logic and you will reach to the conclusion that the correct answers are:
Two for the first question
Three for the second question and
Two for the third question.

#436 - Tricky Problem On Probability

There was a blind man. He had four socks in his drawer either black or white. He opened it and took out two socks. Now the probability that it was a pair of white socks is 1/2.

Can you find out the probability that he had taken out a pair of black socks ?

Tricky Problem On Probability

This question can be a tricky one. The probability that is asked will be zero.

If the probability off taking out a pair of white socks is 1/2, it means that there is no black pair. This is because if there had been, there would have been three cases – white pair, black pair and mixed pair. But since in the question it is clear that there were just two chances (1/2), we can fairly deduce that there were only one black sock and the rest were white.

#437 - Hard Lateral Thinking Puzzle

Suppose we lay down two cups in front of you. One of the cups is filled with tea and the other one with coffee. Now we ask you to take a spoonful of tea and mix it with the coffee. At this moment, the coffee cup has a mixture of tea and coffee. You have to take that mixture (spoonful) and add it back to the tea.

Can you now tell if the cup of coffee has more tea or the cup of tea has more coffee ?

Hard Lateral Thinking Puzzle

The fact is that both the amounts are same.
After the swap has been done, you must know that the quantity of liquid is same in both the cups as you have taken and mixed a spoonful only in both the cases. So, there is no change in the quantity of the liquids.

No if there is any tea missing from the tea cup, it is now in the coffee cup. Also, since the quantity is same, then the same amount of coffee must be missing from the coffee cup and is now in the tea cup.

#438 - Matchstick Picture Puzzle

As you can see that fifteen matches have been used to form an arrangement. What you have to do is remove any six of them to make them ten.Can you do that?

Matchstick Picture Puzzle

Look at the image and see how we did it.

#439 - 10 Balls 5 Lines Riddle

You have 10 balls with you. A friend of yours out of nowhere asks you to place those ten balls in five lines such that each of the lines have exactly 4 balls on them. He needs to check your intelligence. Prove him by doing the task.

10 Balls 5 Lines Riddle

You must have drawn the five pointed star so many times in your childhood right? You have to do exactly that. Draw it and place the ten balls occupying the corners and the intersection points and you will have the result. We have also added a picture to help you with the task.

#440 - Cut The Swiss Cross Puzzle

Here is a Swiss Cross. You have to make two straight cuts in the figure so that it is divided into four congruent pieces. Also you should be able to join these pieces into a square then.Can you accept this challenge?

Cut The Swiss Cross Puzzle

You surely would not have thought that this could be that simple. It is like you are just trashing this image after thinking so much. But yeah that's how you have to do it.