#61 - Oracle Probability Interview Question

What is the probability of choosing the correct answer at random from the options below.

a) 1/4
b) 1/2
c) 1
d) 1/4

Oracle Probability Interview Question

If the answer is 1/4, then because 2 out of 4 answer choices are '1/4', the answer must actually be 1/2. This is a contradiction. So the answer cannot be 1/4.
If the answer is 1/2 (or 1), then because 1/2 (or 1) is 1 out of 4 answer choices, the answer must be 1/4. This is again a contradiction. So the answer cannot be 1/2 (nor 1).

So none of the provided answer choices are correct. Therefore the probability of choosing the correct answer is 0%

#62 - Logical Thinking Riddle

I have 100 coins in my wallet.

What is the minimum number of coin(s), i would be required in order to make sure each coin touched exactly three other coins.

Logical Thinking Riddle


3 placed flat on the table in a triangle(touching each other) and put the fourth one on top of them in the middle.

#63 - Maths Logic Riddle

It can be easily calculated that the digits 0 to 9 can be arranged into 3628800 distinct ten-digit numbers.

But I also know how many of these numbers are prime.

Do you?

Maths Logic Riddle


The sum of numbers from zero to nine is 45 and can be divisible by 3 and 9.

#64 - count the number of squares

Can you count the number of squares in the figure below

count the number of squares


#65 - Hard Logic Chess Puzzle

Assume you have the white pieces, can you win in a half a move ?

Hard Logic Chess Puzzle

White should grab the rook from a1, place it at d1 and complete the castling move.

#66 - Tricky Math Problem

1 dollar = 100 cent
= 10 cent x 10 cent
= 1/10 dollar x 1/10 dollar
= 1/100 dollar
= 1 cent

=> 1 dollar = 1 cent

solve this tricky problem ?

Tricky Math Problem

step 3 is wrong

#67 - Logical Number Series Riddle

Solve this logical number series puzzle by replace question mark with the correct number
9090 = 4
1234 = 0
6055 = 2
9081 = 4
8888 = ?

Logical Number Series Riddle

No Of circles in the number.

#68 - Logic Puzzle Riddle

There are two arch enemy Messi and Ronaldo which hate each other to an extreme.
One day two are going together and a Jeanie appeared in from of them them.
Jeanie grant 3 wishes to Ronaldo and one to Messi.

Messi replied smartly 'Give me twice of whatever Ronaldo demands'.

Ronaldo asked his 1st wish 'Give me 10000 billion dollar'. Soon Messi gets 2000 billion dollar.
Ronaldo asked his 2nd wish 'Give me one mansion in every country of the world'. Soon Messi gets two mansion in every country of the world?

Whats should be Ronaldo third wish ?

Logic Puzzle Riddle

He askes the Jeanie to beat him half to death.

#69 - Ten Letter Word Popular Riddle

I know a ten letter word in the English language which can be typed using only the top rows of the computer keyboard.

Ten Letter Word Popular Riddle


#70 - Frog In The Well Riddle

A frog fell on a bottom of the well.
The well is 30 feet deep.

During day time, the frog jumps 5feet while at night when the frog sleeps he slip back 4feet.

In how many days frog will come out from the well ?

Frog In The Well Riddle


In 25days, he will jumo 25feet and den next five feet will make him out of the well