#1 - Decipher Dice Dice Brain Teaser



Decipher Dice Dice Brain Teaser

Paradise (Pair of dice)

#2 - Right right rebus

Can you solve Right Right Brain Teaser?

Right right rebus

Equal rights

#3 - Tokeepuch Pictogram

What does below Pictogram means?

Tokeepuch Pictogram

Keep In Touch

#4 - Hidden Superhero Movie Rebus

Which superhero movie name is hidden in the below rebus?

Hidden Superhero Movie Rebus


A + ven(Van) + G(google) + ers(ears)

#5 - Storm Simple Rebus

what does below rebus means?

Storm Simple Rebus

thunderstorm (TH + under + storm)

#6 - TV character Rebus Puzzle

Can you identify the famous TV character from the rebus below?

TV character Rebus Puzzle

Sherlock Holmes ( She + R + lock + Home)

#7 - Coffee Rebus Puzzle

What does below rebus identifies ?

Coffee Rebus Puzzle

Coffee Break

#8 - Geography Rebus Riddle

Can you solve the below geography rebus by decoding the below rebus ?

Geography Rebus Riddle

Unites States.

#9 - Solve Rebus Riddle

what does below rebus means ?

Solve Rebus Riddle

I understand

#10 - MilOneLion Rebus Riddle

Solve the rebus riddle in the picture below?

MilOneLion Rebus Riddle

One In Million