#41 - Word Rebus

What word does this rebus represent?

meta meta
meta meta

Word Rebus

Metaphor (Meta 4).

#42 - Difficult Riddle

What does this say? XLR8

Difficult Riddle


#43 - Rebus Word Problem

What does this say? esgg sgeg gegs gsge

Rebus Word Problem

Scrambled eggs

#44 - Picture Puzzle

What is the word or phrase?

Picture Puzzle


#45 - Decode 9s2a5f4e1t8y6

Can you solve the below rebus?

Decode 9s2a5f4e1t8y6


#46 - Vegetable Pictogram

Guess The vegetable?

Vegetable Pictogram

Pot + at + to(toe)

#47 - Animal pictogram

Decipher the below rebus to find the animal name?

Animal pictogram


#48 - Medicine Name Pictogram Puzzle

Which medicine name does below pictogram hides?

Medicine Name Pictogram Puzzle

Crocin (Crow + Sin = Crocin)

#49 - Classic Hollywood Movie Rebus

Which famous classic Hollywood movie is hidden in the below rebus?

Classic Hollywood Movie Rebus

12 Angry Men

#50 - Nobody Law Rebus Riddle

Can you decipher the rebus meaning?

Nobody Law Rebus Riddle

Nobody is above law.