#101 - River Crossing Riddle

Two boys want to cross a river. Only one boat is present on the lakeside that can carry only one person at a time.

However, they still manage to cross the river. How is it possible ?

The two boys were standing on the opposite sides of the river.

#102 - Pun Delight

A bomb exploded in a room full of married couples and no one died.How ?

There was not a single person in it. (Get it, single/unmarried?) Haha.

#103 - Blonde Humor Riddle

Why blonde cannot dial 911 ?

She dont know how to dial 11

#104 - Disgusting Humor Riddle

How many words can a quill made with the feather of a pigeon write with a 100ml bottle of black ink?

A quill cannot write even a single word. However the person holding the quill can use it to write as many words possible with the given amount of ink.

#105 - Humourous Riddle

How much words can a pen with half refill write?

A pen cannot write even a single world. Its the person holding the pen who can write the words.

#106 - Classy Old Riddle

Master Red Lives in the red house.
Master Green Lives in the green house.
Master Yellow Lives in the yellow house.

But Master white does not live in Whitehouse. Why?

Because president lives in whitehouse.

#107 - Name The Animal Riddle

Can you name an animal whose killing cannot be performed without spilling your own blood?

The most common answer can be Mosquito, but you can add any blood sucking insect to the list.

#108 - Cute Humor Riddle

How can you place a magic cube on the floor so that no one can jump over it?

Put the magic cube next to the wall.

#109 - Gambler Girl Friend Name Puzzle

What is the best name for Gambler Girl Friend?


#110 - Escape Strategy Riddle

Your bike crashed into the dark forest and suddenly you saw and deadly panther and jaguar. You got just one bullet.
What is your escape strategy?

Simple, You must shoot the panther and drive off in the jaguar(car).