#171 - UPSC Interview Question

Bay of Bengal is in which state?

Liquid :-)

#172 - IAS Interview RIDDLE

How can you drop a raw egg from a height onto a concrete floor without cracking it?

Concrete floors are very hard to crack

#173 - IAS Interview Question

If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it take four men to build it?

No time at all it is already built

#174 - November Riddle

A man is sitting in a pub feeling rather poor. He sees the man next to him pull a wad of £50 notes out of his wallet.
He turns to the rich man and says to him,
'I have an amazing talent; I know almost every song that has ever existed.'
The rich man laughs.
The poor man says, 'I am willing to bet you all the money you have in your wallet that I can sing a genuine song with a lady's name of your choice in it.'
The rich man laughs again and says, 'OK, how about my daughter's name, Joanna Armstrong-Miller?'
The rich man goes home poor. The poor man goes home rich.

What song did he sing?

Happy Birthday

#175 - Cool Riddle

Imagine you are in a sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks. How would you survive?

Quit imagining

#176 - Basic Riddle

The peacock is a bird that does not lay eggs. How do they get baby peacocks

The peahen lays eggs

#177 - Funny Logic Riddle

A woman shoots her husband.
Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes.
Finally, she hangs him.
But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together.
How can this be?

The woman was a photographer. She shot a picture of her husband, developed it, and hung it up to dry.

#178 - Short Easy Riddle

A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, 'If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50.' The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less. In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet?

The man did exactly as he said he would and wrote 'your exact weight' on the paper.

#179 - Murder Mystery Humour Riddle

A donkey behind another donkey
I'm behind that second donkey
But there is a whole nation behind me

It is a murder you can describe in a word.

Ass ass i nation

#180 - Hard Short Riddles

1)How is the moon like a dollar

2)Why is the letter I like Delhi?

3)What is the shortest complete sentence in the English language

4)If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven't got me. What am I?

5)How could a cowboy ride into town on Friday, stay two days, and ride out on Friday

1)they both have 4 quarters.
2)They both r capital of India.
5)His horse is named Friday!