#211 - Simple Trick Teaser

In a grocery supermarket, there is an intelligent glass pane before a refrigerating unit. This glass pane allows cherries and apples through it but does not allow grapes and melons to pass through it.

Can you identify the rule that the glass pane is following?

The glass pane only allows the fruits with double letters in their name like in cherries and apples.

#212 - Writer Age Riddle

A writer was fifty years old in the year 2000 but he was forty years old in the year 2010.

How can this be possible?
PS: It has a logical answer.

The writer lived in the era of B.C. not A.D.

#213 - Flaw Statement Riddle

"That shopping mall always remain crowded. This is the reason why nobody goes there."

Can you find a flaw in this statement ?

If nobody goes there, the restaurant cannot be crowded.

#214 - Classic Two Bottles Pill Puzzle

You have two bottles of pills marked with the label A and B. The pills are identical. The doctor has asked you to take one A pill and one B pill daily. You cant take more or less than that.

While taking out the pills one day, you took out one pill from A and by mistake took out two from B. You have no idea which pill is which now.

You cant throw away the expensive pills. What will you do now?

Cut each of the three pills in half and put each half in two piles. Now, each of the two piles will contain half of pill A and two halves of pill B.

Take one pill A and cut into half and put the two halves in the two piles. Now, each pile will have two halves of pill A and two halves of pill B which means one pill A and one pill B. You can take one pile today and one pile the next day.

#215 - Disabled Person Winner Riddle

In a competition, the contestants had to hold something. When the winner was announced, he was a physically disabled person. How can this be possible?

The contestants had to hold breath and the disabled person could hold it for longest.

#216 - Akbar Birbal Riddle

Once while in his court, King Akbar asked Birbal to write something on a wall that makes one sad when read in good times and makes one happy when read in sad times.

He took only a few moment and wrote something that fit the requirements. What did he write?

He write:
The time will pass soon.

If you read this line in happy times, you will be sad because you would want the happy time to last forever.
If you read it in sad times, you will feel happy, as you will feel optimistic about the future.

#217 - Trick Murder Mystery Riddle

On 26-01-1982, Abish Mattew was murdered at his house near Hauz Khas (Delhi-India) in the afternoon. There were three suspects to the murder and following are the statements that were given by them:

Harish: I visited my village that day.
Lokesh: I was out to deposit my house tax in municipality office that time.
Saurabh: I was at friend place having lunch at that time.

Can you find out who is the murderer?

Lokesh is the culprit.
This is because 26 Jan is a national holiday.

#218 - Nine Chocolates Trick Teaser

There are nine chocolates in a box. Nine people take nine chocolates with them. However, one chocolate is still left in the box.

How can that be possible ?

This is pretty simple. The last person took the box along with the chocolate inside the box. Thus, one still remains in the box.

#219 - Missing Train Passengers Riddle

A train full of passengers goes through a tunnel. When the train comes out from the other end, there is no single person on the train.

How did it happen ?

This is because all the passengers in the train are married.

#220 - QuickFire Puzzle

A pond had 57 fishes, out of which, all but 17 died.
How many fishes are now present in that pond?

Read the question carefully. The phrase ‘all but 17 died’ refers to the fact that all except 17 fishes died. Therefore, 17 fishes remain in the pond now.