#221 - World War One

Two mates Timon and Pumba were talking about their families. Timon told some nice stories concerning his unafraid grandfather who fought for the Kingdom in "World War One". Timon told that his grandparent is so brave that he was awarded a bravery medal with words "For our unafraid troopers In war One" embedded into it.

Pumba is aware of that his friend is lying. How ?

World War One was named only after World War Two

#222 - Quick Thinking Question

Neha is twentieth from the bottom in a queue of 100 girls.
What is her position from the top of the queue ?

The position of girls higher than queue is: 100 - 20 = 80.
Thus, position of Neha from the top = 80 + 1 = 81.

#223 - Tricky Situation Riddle

My girlfriend and I took a flight to the United States and were able to reach the destination in two and a half hours.

After spending some quality week together, we flew back to our home. However, it took us 150 minutes this time even though the plane flew at the same speed.

Can you find out how?

Two and a half hours are same as 150 minutes.

#224 - Stairs Colour Riddle

My cousin lives in one story house in Antarctica. His house is made the of-of sandstone. what is the color of stairs?

No stairs in one story building.

#225 - Dancing Girls Count Puzzle

Niharika is practicing her dance steps along with her friends. In a particular sequence, all of them form a row. At that point, Niharika is standing on the 4th position from either end of the row.
Can you find out how many girls are practicing together?


As Niharika is 4th from either end of the row, it means that 3 girls are on one of her sides and 3 are present on the other.
3 + 3 + 1(Niharika herself) = 7.
Hence, 7 girls are practicing the dance together.

#226 - QuickFire Trick Teaser

I have 50-inch long bedsheet, I need to create 50 handkerchiefs each size of 1-inch. I take one minute to cut 1-inch handkerchief. So how long will it take to cut 50 handkerchiefs?

49 seconds. When I made the 49th cut, we left with 1-inch handkerchief which we wont need to cut

#227 - Car Driver Eye Color Riddle

You are a cab driver who pools passengers. You pick 3 people from a destination and drop 1 after an hour. 2 people climb aboard at the same time and you drop 3 at the next destination. After some time, you pick 2 passengers only to drop 1 after a short distance where 3 more passengers climb up the cab. You leave the rest of the passengers one by one to their destination and then come back home.

Can you tell the eye color of the cab driver?

As per the first sentence, you are the cab driver. Therefore, just check your own eye color and you can answer this simple question.

#228 - FAQ Trick Teaser Riddle

Is it possible to build a house that has all its walls facing the south direction?

Yes, if you build the house at the north pole, it will fulfill the requirement.

#229 - Short Logic Trick Teaser

John Terry was drowned by he was not wet. How?

John Terry was trapped in the quicksand.

#230 - Running Goose Puzzle

There is a wide field of corn. A goose finds its way into the field and starts running. Can you find out till which point the goose can run into the field?

The goose can only run till the mid point into the field. After the mid point, it will actually be running out of the field.