#201 - Relationship Logic Puzzle

In a boat, the father of a sailor son is sitting with the son of the sailor. However, the sailor is not present on the boat.

Can this even be possible?

Yes it is possible because the sailor is the wife and mother..

#202 - Number Of Seconds In A Year

Can you count number of seconds in a year ?

Clue: You need to bother about calculation.


Clarification :
Each month contains two second
* second December
* twenty-second December

In this manner 2 * 12 months = 24

-->> Numerical Answer <<--
Mathematical Answer = number of seconds in a minute * number of minute in an hour * number hour in a day * number of day in year
60 * 60 * 24 * 365 = 31536000
60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25 = 31557600 (leap year is considered here)

#203 - Trick Situation Riddle

In a fruit store there was a unique weighing machine which was made to weigh only cherries and strawberries as they were priced the same.

Other fruits like water melons or mango had different machines as they were expensive.

A man successfully buys water melons at the price of cherries. How ?

The logic used by the machines, It differentiated the fruits with the help of colour. So the weighing scale that would weigh only cherries and strawberries only weighed what was red. So the man peeled it and then weighed the fruit. Since it is red inside the machine weighs it and marks it at the price of cherries.

#204 - 5 Hats 2 Colors Puzzle

In the land of Geopolizza, three men were captured by the infamous monster, The riddler. So, the riddler buries the three men, named 1, 2 and 3 in such a manner, that 1 is in the front, 2 in the middle and 3 in the back. They are buried neck deep, and cannot move, not even their heads. He shows them 5 caps, two of which are red and 3 of them are white. He then switches off the lights and places a hat on top of their heads. The situation is such that no one can see their hat color, 1 is facing the wall and cant say anything, 2 can see 1 and 3 can see both 1 and 2. Then he tells the rules of his game: "If either of you three can tell the correct color of your head, I will let all of you go. However, if any of you answer wrong, all 3 of you will instantly die. Time is 3 minutes."
Upon 2 and half minutes passing, A shouts the answer and all 3 are released free. How did he know the correct answer ?

Man 1 is wearing white. He arrives at the conclusion as follows:
From the fact that neither 2 nor 3 gives the answer, 1 concludes that both these men have insufficient information to determine the color of their hats.
Man 3 must be seeing at least one white hat on the heads of 1 and 2 (if he would see two black hats, he would know that he is wearing a white hat). Further, Man 2 therefore knows that he and/or A is wearing a white hat. Since he cannot give an answer, he must be seeing a white hat on 1st head (if 2 would see 1 wearing a black hat, he would know that he himself wears a white one). From the fact that neither 2 nor 3 can give an answer to the riddler question, 1 finally concludes that he is wearing a white hat! He thus shouts the correct answer and all 3 of them are released. Yay.

#205 - Greedy Elves Brain Twister

There was once a troop of 5 elves. The 5 elves were very dedicated on finding the magical treasure of 1000 coins. However, being elves, they were super geniuses, very greedy and they did not hesitate in taking lives of other elves. The 5 elves were named Aye, Bee, Cee, Dee and Ee, ranked from high to low respectively, from Aye to Ee. One fine day, their efforts brought results and they found 1000 coins. Now they had to split it in between them as per their ranks. The lowest ranked elf has to make the proposal. If the proposal is accepted by majority, it is agreed, or the suggesting elf is killed.

What proposal should elf Ee make ?

The elf Ee should give 997 coins to himself, 2 coins to either Elf Aye or Bee, and 1 coin to Cee.
Here, we derive the solution working backwards.
If only elf Aye and Bee are left, Aye will reject all proposals from Bee, since elves are greed and killers, as Aye gets to keep all 1000 coins.
However, if Cee was alive, and would give 1000 coins all to himself, even then Bee would agree since If he does not, Cee dies, and as we have seen, if only Aye and Bee are left, Bee will be killed. So the vote is Aye: No, Bee and Cee, yes.
Now if Dee was alive, he would propose to give 1 coin to Aye, 1 to Bee, none to Cee and 998 to himself. Aye and Bee will agree to this, because if they dont, Dee will die and Cee will get to keep all 1000 coins. Since they are greedy, and would prefer 1 coin over none, they will agree to this proposal.
However, elf Ee should give 2 coins to Aye (so he will agree as he gets 1 extra coin over the previous proposal). He will give 0 coins to Bee. He shall give 1 coin to Cee (and Cee will agree since in the previous proposal, Cee was getting nothing). He will give Dee 0 coins so D will disagree. Obviously, Ee gives himself 997 coins. The vote is 3 yes, two nos. Thus Ee will propose this.

#206 - Hard Dwarf Riddle

Evil warlock dislikes dwarfs and therefore he selects four of them and buries them. The dwarfs are buried in the ground and they are in such a way that except their heads their body is inside the ground. The dwarfs cannot move their body and they can view only forward. They are all buried in a line, and amongst the four, one of the dwarf is separated by a wall. All the dwarfs are in the same direction. The last dwarfs can see two heads of the friends in the front and a wall. The last second dwarf can see one head of his friend and a wall. The second dwarf can see only the wall. The dwarf can see nothing.
Warlock comprehends the situation and tells the dwarfs that he has placed hats on their heads. There are two blue hat and two red ones. In all the four dwarfs, one of them has to say what color hat he is wearing. If the dwarf says the correct color of the hat, they will be left free. If the answer is wrong, then they will be dig inside the ground till the very end.

What will be the answer by the dwarf and how will they give the answer?

If the last dwarf seems to take time to answer the question, then it means that the dwarfs in front of him have different colored hats on them. There will be anyway enough time given to the last dwarf to tell the answer.
If he sees the same colored hats in front of him, he will immediately tell the answer.

#207 - Goat Grass Logical Puzzle

If we tie a goat to one peg, a circled grass is been eaten by the goat. If we tie the goat to two pegs with a circle on its neck, then an eclipse is eaten out of the grass by the goat. If we want an eclipse then we put two pegs then put a rope in between then and the other end of the rope is tied up on the goats neck.

How should we tie the peg and the goat so that a square is eaten out from the garden grass? We only have one goat rope and the peg and the rings ?

In the corners of the square, tighten two ropes. Tighten another rope between them by putting rings on each rope. That rope should be tightened on the goat neck on the opposite end.

#208 - Crossing River Puzzle

There is a river to cross using a river raft and there are eight people (father, mother, policeman, thief, 2 daughters and 2 sons). No one knows to operate the raft except the adults and also excluding the thief. Only two people can go in the raft at a time. The raft should keep coming back and forth in order to pick and drop the people.
Rules to be followed:
Father: the father cannot stay in the raft or outside the raft without the presence of the mother.
Mother: the mother cannot stay in the raft or outside the rat without the presence of the father.
Thief: the thief is not allowed to stay with any of the family member unless there is a policeman.
Policeman: the policeman can travel with anyone.
2 sons and 2 daughters: they are not allowed to travel in the raft without the presence of any adult. They cannot either travel in the presence of only thief without the policeman. The sons cannot be with their mothers without their fathers supervision. The daughters are not allowed to be there with their fathers without the supervision of their mothers. But the daughters and the sons can be left unsupervised (as long as the other rules are applied).
What is the sequence that the people should follow in order to cross the river through the raft keeping in mind all the rules?
The rules are applicable not only in the raft but also outside the raft.

The following letters are assigned to respective person. Father (F), mother (M), thief (t), policeman (p), sons (s1 & s2), daughters (d1 &d2). And imagine that they are starting from the eastern side of the river |.
During the first trip, t will be taken across the river by P. The rules are still kept. After leaving t, P will return. So now it is t | P, M, d1, d2, s1, s2, F
In the second trip, d1 will be taken by P across the river and leave her back. But t will be brought back. Now it is d1 | P, F, M, d2, s1, s2, t
During the third trip, d2 will be taken across the river by M and will return. Now it is d1, d2 |P, M, F, t, s1, s2
In the fourth trip, F and M will cross the river together and M will stay back and F will return. Now it is M, d1, d2 |P, F, t, s1, s2
During the fifth trip, t will be taken across the river by P and M will return. So now it is P, d1, d2, t |M, F, s1, s2
In the sixth trip, F and M will go across the river and F will be back. Now it is P, M, d1, d2, t |F, s1, s2
During the seventh trip, s1 will be taken across the river by F and P will come back with t. now it is M, F, d1, d2, s1 |P, t, s2
In the eighth trip, s2 will be taken across the river by P, and then he will return. Now it is M, F, d1, d2, s1, s2 |P, t
In the ninth trip which is final t will be taken across by P.
This is by the assumption that the thief is left unsupervised. The rules do not mention that anyway.

#209 - How Many Handshakes

Once upon a time, a king called for his 7 wisest men to be assembled in a room, with no one but them. All 7 men came in and shook their hands once with each of them.

How many total handshakes were there?


#210 - Number Of Races Puzzle

In order to complete the racing competition, the London racetrack has to submit its top and the most famous three horses to win the competition. Due to a electrical storm, all the records are cleared and no one knows which horse holds the record. They all look identical and it becomes even more difficult to differentiate the horses. There are 25 horses in the London racetrack. But there can be only five horses at a time on the track. What will the least number of races that can be conducted to find out the three fastest horses?

The numbers of races are 7.