#1361 - Triangle Counting Puzzle

solve the counting puzzle by finding the number of triangles in the figure below

Triangle Counting Puzzle


16 + (8x2) + (4x2) + (1x2) + (1x2)

#1362 - Hard Logic Problem

There is a town named Springville. In that town you can find extremely hilarious facts. None of the resident has 456,789 hairs. The number of residents are more than the number of hair in any one of the.

Can you find out the largest number of residents in such a scenario?

Hard Logic Problem

The answer is 456,789.

Let us begin with two residents. The number of hairs on their head can be zero and one. If we extrapolate the fact, we will come to know that the number of hairs with 'n' number of residents will always range from zero to (n-1).

If we go above 456,789 to 456,790 with none of the residents having 456,789 hairs, the number of hairs on them will be different and one of them must have more than 456,789 which will clearly violate the fact that the number of residents are more than hairs on an individual.

#1363 - Simple Rebus

Find the meaning of the rebus below ?

Simple Rebus

Swim Underwater

#1364 - Word Rebus Picture Puzzle

What does this rebus puzzle means ?

Word Rebus Picture Puzzle


#1365 - Smart Fun Riddle

Which of the below is more appropriate ?

1. The yolk of an egg is white.
2. The yolk of the egg is white.

Smart Fun Riddle

None, the yolk of the egg is yellow

#1366 - Logic Detective Problem

A hen, a dog, and a cat are stolen. Three suspects are arrested named Robin, Steve, and Tim. The police are sure that all of them stole one of the animals but they don't know who stole which animal.

Sherlock Holmes is appointed to identify and is provided with the following statements from the investigation.

Robin - Tim stole the hen
Steve - Tim stole the dog
Tim - Both Robin and Steve are lying. I neither stole hen, nor dog.

Sherlock is somehow able to deduce that the man who stole the cat is telling a lie and the man who stole the hen is telling truth.

Can you help him find out who stole which animal?

Logic Detective Problem

Robin Stole Cat
Steve stole Hen
Tim Stole Dog

Glance at the first and second statement again; they are contradictory. Both can be true together though. Also both of them cannot be false which means that Tim stole cat and his statement will be true. But it has been already deduced that the one who stole cat was telling a lie thus it can’t be possible.

Let us consider the situation again. It may be that Tim stole a hen or a dog. Assume that he stole hen. In such a case the statement of Tim will be false. But we know that the person who stole hen told the truth, thus it is contradicting our assumption and so cannot be correct.

Considering everything, now we can say with confidence that Tim stole the dog.

Now it means that the statement by Robin is completely false and the statement by Steve is true which depicts that the cat and hen are stolen by these two. Also we know that the one who stole hen is true and the one stealing cat is a liar. Thus we now know that Robin stole cat and Steve stole hen.

#1367 - Cool Rebus Riddle

what does the below rebus means ?

Cool Rebus Riddle

Falling In Love

#1368 - Maths Rebus Riddle

What does this mathematical rebus means ?

Maths Rebus Riddle


#1369 - Mathematical Rebus Riddle

What does the below mathematical rebus means ?

Mathematical Rebus Riddle

For a change

#1370 - Horse Wind Puzzle

Emily learnt how to ride a horse recently. Just to test her skills, she rode the horse from her home till a mine which she covered in three minutes and returned back home from the same path only this time she took four minutes. The reason was that while riding away from home, she was supported by wind however while riding back, she was riding against the wind.

How fast do you think she could have rode a mile if there was no wind ?

Horse Wind Puzzle

3 minutes and 25 5/7 seconds.

The most common way how most of people see this problem is adding 3 and four to obtain 7 and they believe it should give a correct average and thus her time should be taken to 3 and half minutes. But if you do like that, you will get to a wrong answer. This is because, the wind has only helped her for three minutes while it has worked against her for four minutes.
If she could ride a mile in three minutes with the wind, it is evident that she could go a mile and 1/3 of a mile in four minutes. Thus two and 1/3 miles in eight minutes will give her actual speed as the wind has helped her as much as it has worked against her.

Thus her actual time for a single mile without wind will be 3 minutes and 25 5/7 seconds.